Yeah, the only thing I’ve ever seen is the MOK management thingy your bios will throw you into if something wants to add a new key, but iirc that can only list the key you’re about to add, not all of them. I also have no idea how you get to that menu without adding a new key.
I have yet to see a good implementation of Secure Boot, and that’s just from a user interface standpoint.
How can I check which keys are installed in the EFI/BIOS UI? And then delete a specific key? I only ever saw options like “reset to factory settings”.
Factory settings are just Microsoft’s keys most of the time, and often there’s no way to delete/not trust Microsoft’s keys.
The whole system is way too intransparent. May as well turn it off.
Yeah, the only thing I’ve ever seen is the MOK management thingy your bios will throw you into if something wants to add a new key, but iirc that can only list the key you’re about to add, not all of them. I also have no idea how you get to that menu without adding a new key.