Why YSK: Suppose, you want to copy multiple parts of texts from different documents to a single document. You can copy all of them and paste one by one by bringing up the clipboard history. This is one of the many useful cases of a clipboard history.
Here’s how to do it:
Step 1: From the Windows Start menu, go to “Settings” and then “System”. Go to the gear icon for “Settings” in the Windows Start menu and directly after that go to “System”.
Step 2: Click “Clipboard” in the left sidebar and set the toggle at “Clipboard history” to “On”.
This works in only Windows 10 and 11.
Ysk: this “windows logo” key is called the Super key or the Meta key
Man, it’s really annoying switching from Mac to windows frequently.
I use windows at home and Mac at work.
Cmd c/v vs ctrl c/v
get linux for both
You should really disable clipboard history. A security nightmare.
Number one reason I don’t want that. If I C&P a password, the first thing I do is copy whatever else to remove it.