Everything about Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress yesterday was grotesque. But it will at least provide a historical document that clearly identifies which American elected officials were enthusiastic backers of genocide.
Unless your comment was written by AI, I would not waste my time with these people.
The one you responded to hasn’t even bothered to update their copypasta/edit their AI response to account for Biden leaving the race.
They’re literally just wasting your mental resources and time to throw out nonsensical and stupid messaging. It’s all about repetition to instill a message/build false consensus, and to wear down those arguing with them.
They do not care about good faith discussions.
Unless your comment was written by AI, I would not waste my time with these people.
The one you responded to hasn’t even bothered to update their copypasta/edit their AI response to account for Biden leaving the race.
They’re literally just wasting your mental resources and time to throw out nonsensical and stupid messaging. It’s all about repetition to instill a message/build false consensus, and to wear down those arguing with them. They do not care about good faith discussions.
Removed, see the new civility guidelines.
I’ll make sure to report comments that are misinformation, trolling, or bad faith.