I thought terfs insist on using the false pronoun? Using more than 2 pronouns for humans breaks the gender binary
No they say it because they want to objectify and demean you. I knew a guy like this and it had nothing to do with sticking to the binary and everything to do with making people feel bad for being different.
That’s scary. I never heard that before
Yeah it’s really sad that people are like that. He was the choir teacher at my hs and would call a nb person in the group ‘it’ if he was corrected. Just kinda gross but he was old as fuck and abt to retire anyway so we never really escalated it.
Also Finns. We have perfectly gender neutral pronouns but we prefer to use “it” instead
Pronouns in German in weird. sie and Sie have different meaning depending on the form of verb and capitalization. I kinda like the French way of speaking - je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles.
Made me remember the “je, tu, il, elle, nous-vous-ils-elles” french educational song ha
In Dutch “they/them” is “zij”. Which is very annoying, because “she” is also “zij”.
Which means the Dutch genderless pronoun has mostly become “hen”, which is “them” in the dative (3rd) case, which is only rarely used otherwise, and thus available.
Unless we’re talking about pets, funny enough.
Some people legitimately choose the pronoun it though and that shouldn’t be shamed.
Intent is important I guess
Feels like casual dehumanization to call a person ‘it’.
It can definitely feel that way, but that’s no reason not to use the pronouns that someone identifies with.
People talking about someone who uses it/its pronouns 💪
Hi! That’s me!
Look everyone! Its it!
People playing tag 💪
Some nonbinary folks 💪
IDK, “it” feels a whole lot weirder than “them”.