A difficult part of writing for me is when a single sentence–especially dialogue–contains two tones. It sounds best as a single sentence, but ending with a period, or alternative punctuation, looks wrong. As well as this, using two sentences also looks wrong.
I can’t think of a great example right now, but I know I’ve wanted punctuation that doesn’t exist before. I’ve had moments where it would have been so useful to have a “;!” and a “;?” mark.
Maybe use combining diacritical marks?
I’m using 0x326 (Combining Comma Below), but you may need the CGJ in there to render correctly in all contexts
Foo!̦ Bar?̦
Edit: Combining grapheme joiner, not zero width joiner
I’m not techy enough to know if that’s something I can do on my android or not. Lol. I never use the laptop for anything other than school.