One of the biggest topics of these days is that of mods in banning and censoring people because they’re Tankies. This has had a rather sizeable discussion of people agreeing and even arguing for defederating ml. I’m sure a lot of people are arguing from good intentions, but there’s also bad faith actors among them, as I will try to show in this post. The original post was based on the moderation history of the ml instance so I respond in a similar fashion.

I browsed through the discussion for a while, and stumbled upon a comment of someone who had created an instance in response, namely The original post in about the moderation in ml has to do with the Tiananmen Square Massacre, so I decided to make a few posts in this new instance about other historical facts which are less discussed, but that we should remember too, namely the Bengal Famine and the US support of fascism in Spain.

Initially these posts were well received and had some upvoted, but after a while I got a notification that one of them had been banned. To my surprise, I looked at the mod log of the instance and found this. So, both posts being about historical atrocities committed by capitalist countries were either banned or locked, and I had been banned from the community altogether for the reason “commie?”

I checked through the admin’s history of comments and found this.

Is this admin, who censors posts that talk about historical grievances committed by capitalism, who pins “fuck Tankies” to the instance, really a person without an agenda trying to protect a community from a supposed malignant moderation, or is it someone with an agenda trying to call everyone to the left of centrism a Tankie?

We should, in my opinion, be careful with accusing and polarising one of the biggest communities in Lemmy away, which is full of non-political content, and really examine what’s going on and what agenda there is behind it.

  • volodya_ilich@lemm.eeOP
    24 days ago

    Did what you said and searched “Ukraine” in ml. First post had a poll about citizens from EU and from US wanting the war to end. Went to the comments, first comment, 15 upvoted: “then tell Putin to to home”. Response to that comment, 4 downvotes: “how original”. As I said, the overwhelming sentiment, because people generally aren’t idiots, is that yes, USA bad, NATO bad, and USA has been pushing NATO further to the east and that’s a really bad thing, but also Putin isn’t a saviour of Russia and a freedom fighter but a Russian oligarch in an imperialist war who additionally pushes fascist-like policy at home such as degradation of social rights, boosting of religion, and militarisation of the country. Criticism of NATO and the USA doesn’t amount to “Ukraine deserves to be invaded”.

    Marxist-Leninists, in an overwhelming majority, oppose Putin and the modern Russian state, since it represents the opposite of what the USSR represented.

      23 days ago

      Marxist-Leninists, in an overwhelming majority, oppose Putin and the modern Russian state, since it represents the opposite of what the USSR represented.


      I said ml was less radical. You still ignored the pro Russia shit in that thread. But if you want to talk about tankies as a whole, check grad and hexbear for more than 5 seconds.

      • volodya_ilich@lemm.eeOP
        23 days ago

        I literally can’t find the post or comment you sent a screenshot of. I looked in lemmygrad and in hexbear for posts containing the words “simple as”, sorted by new, and nothing appears. Can you link to it please? I’d love to see the comments, maybe you can change my mind.

          23 days ago

          sorted by new

          I just ss’d it and it was already 5 days old so look around that time. But that one thing isn’t the point. Literally go on grad local and just pick a thread. I just found people (asklemmygrad) saying unironically that Russia had no choice but to invade Ukraine because nato would have invaded them. Absolutely disconnected from reality.

          • volodya_ilich@lemm.eeOP
            23 days ago

            Yeah no, looked through the past few weeks, post isn’t there in either lemmygrad or hexbear.

            And yeah there are people saying insane shit like that no doubt, but that doesn’t mean it’s the general sentiment which is the entire point of the conversation

                  22 days ago

                  Jesus christ this thread is about you. I’m spoonfeeding you examples and you’re incorrectly nitpicking every detail. Assuming you’re not a troll, try logging out or using the website. It’s at 93.