Pushing to have zygotes and blastocysts as people is fucking worse. That’s as nonsensical as calling sperm people. There’s not even a neural tube for christ sakes. My toenail has as much personhood. This shit isn’t even biblical.
Pregnant women votes should be doubled!
I get what you’re going for, but young kids can’t vote, so this doesn’t really work as a joke. :P
Couch boy wants to give parents an extra vote for every child they have. Now, he doesn’t say how they are split between the parents so a) probably goes to the father and b) not if the kid has 2 moms or 2 dads.
Ok, then start issuing them social security numbers as soon as they’ve confirmed your pregnant so parents can start applying for and receiving benefits before the child is even born.
Not attacking you, but I hate this fucking argument about fetuses being people: if they’re people at the moment of conception, then they need to be treated as such. Conservatives can’t have it both ways, despite the fact I know in their minds they can.
On an unrelated note: I think it’s time we got rid of “under God” and “In God We Trust” from the pledge of allegiance and all of our currency. We’re not a Christian nation, I don’t believe in a God, and shouldn’t have to handle currency that goes against my lack of religious beliefs.
But half our country wants a Christian-Theocratic-Sharia-Law institution as our government, and I’d prefer they just fuck right off.
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Beep boop. This action was performed automatically. If you dont like me then please block me.💔
If you have any questions or comments about me, you can make a post to LW Support lemmy community.Come census time there will be pregnancy tests?
Tax returns of 9 months.
Pregnant mothers can drive in the carpool lane!
But people under a certain age are required a child seat, no? So unless those rules are changed, it would be hard for any pregnant woman to legally sit in a moving car.
Ah, good point. But doesn’t that mean that the pregnant woman can’t ride in the car at all, since the young “person” inside them doesn’t have a way to be put in a seat?
It looks like Florida and West Virginia have no seat laws, so pregnant woman in the carpool lane are good to go there!
We’re just going to have to also legally classify pregnant people as car seats so they can drive to work.
I have about a million pre-people in this tissue. Can I get a tax break?
Every time you masturbate,
God kills a kittenyou go to prison for mass murder.Hmmm. Who gets the mass murder charge for all the sperm after sex??
Just kidding, this is America. The woman gets charged.
I miss the internet of the era of Domo-kun memes.
Fucking mega-Hitler over here asking for a donation.
How do you live with yourself for killing so many millions of people of young age?
Wait til you hear about the Cronus wannabes swallowing them all whole! Despicable.
Life begins at ejaculation!
Just do it on your own time.
On the one hand: ew. Also, how does anyone know enough to put up an actual sign?
On the other: Now they’re just advertising this as an option. According to the sign, as long as you’re clocked out, you’re g2g.
On both hands: Make sure you clock out first.
This was probably written and printed off by an employee as a joke… and it’s really funny.
So they count as dependents on taxes, require child support, and allow the mother to drive in the carpool lane?
Just get a freezer full of zygotes and you’ll never pay taxes again.
I was thinking fetal life insurance.
If a fetus kills you, do they get tried as a minor?
Manslaughter, they don’t have intent.
This is the plot of Baby Driver, right?
Edit: I’m stupid, I was thinking of Fetus Driver
Depends on the skin color and the class of the fetus.
A fetus that comes a from white, upper class. The answer would be as minor.
A black, poor fetus. Definitely being tried as an adult.
fuck religion. prove your god is real or stfu. stop letting conservatives have a say in the government of this country. just put your fucking feet down people. stop letting idiots speak.
Would not surprise me if these same people then try to legalize pedophilia if they win just so they can do everything in their power to legally fuck a fetus. I imagine that’s their ultimate goal in life.
These people watched a serbian film and thought: newborn porn? Why didn’t i think of that
Roe v. Wade came into existence as Biden’s career was taking off fifty years ago
it has now been two years since Roe v. Wade fell and if it took fifty years to for it to fall then we may have a long time to wait for our rights to be restored
this will just be some campaign promise for either side to exploit and asks donations on whether to keep things restricted or to restore rights eventually
US citizens need to wake up and realize both side are just empty promises and words we need actual leadership in the Senate, the Congress, The Presidency, and the rest of the government
Cool. Who are you canvassing for?
Lol, why do you people always force everything into a false dichotomy? If you have a problem with the statement, at least confront the actual argument being put forward.
Nothing they said is false, the Democrats over the last couple decades have slid further and further to the right, mostly because they care more about economic policy and decorum than protecting people’s rights.
Are they better than the Republicans, of course. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be critical when assessing if they’ve met our expectations. Saying both parties need better leadership is just stating the obvious, it doesn’t mean this person’s urging people to not vote, or to vote for the worse party.
This country is in for some rough years if our only qualifications for leadership positions is just being better than Republicans, that bar is too low.
What dichotomy? I asked who they are canvassing for. You do know people have to canvass for a candidate in order for them to get elected, right? If you want a better candidate than what is offered, they aren’t going to magic themselves into office. Campaigns take work.
I take it neither of you are canvassing for anyone and are just hoping you’ll get what you want by wishing for it.
No, they don’t understand. They’d rather just sit in their basements and complain on the Internet rather than get out into the light and actually try to effect the change they wish to see.
Lol, I’ve been a district delegate for the DNC in one of the most conservative states in America… What have you done?
This is why I asked how canvassing was related to the original claim, as we are now focusing on the strawman argument instead of actually addressing the criticism in question.
Considering he is one of the most active users in this online community, I’m guessing your description of standby basement dweller is more accurate for flyingsquid than anyone else here. Doing memes and drowning out criticism online with flawed rhetoric is not the same as political organizing.
So the only people who are able to be critical of their elected officials are people who have the leisure time and the resources to work for political parties for free?
take it neither of you are canvassing for anyone and are just hoping you’ll get what you want by wishing for it.
First of all, this is a strawman argument. It has nothing to do with the original claim, which you didn’t ever address. Secondly, I have served as a district delegate for the DNC in my state, and you have an optimistic view of how much actual choice is actually provided to voters.
Candidates don’t just say I want to be a state senator, sign me up. They go through a vetting process of the state’s political party, and each DNC chapter has its own means to determine which candidates they throw their weight behind. Depending on where you are, unless you have seniority in the local chapter you don’t really have a choice on who you canvas for.
I made no such claim about criticism. All I did was ask who they were canvassing for.
They all sure go to great lengths not to answer that question.
He asked the person he originally responded too, not me. I’m just asking how it’s a relevant question… which he is going through great lengths to avoid answering.
So your rebuttal was a complete non-sequitur? Seems you’re not being very honest here.
Maybe a better approach would be to actually address the argument instead of relying on logical fallacies to silence peoples concerns.
So who are you canvassing for?
I’ll take a shot from the hip, it’s not the convicted felon.
It wasn’t a rebuttal, it was a question. One you have not answered. And yet you expect me to answer yours.
The problem here is you’re trying to argue with someone who asked a question.
Meanwhile, the “slippery slope” logical fallacy falls over, down a hill, and dies.
Then starts spinning, creating a perfectly cylindrical hole, and catches fire due to friction, and self cremating.
Pretty soon they’ll be trying to put me in prison for mass-murder every time I jerk off.
Don’t give them ideas.
Not a chance, you’re (presumably) Male.
May still be possible. We don’t know what his skin color is.
Only if he’s a white, male landowner.
“Fetal personhood” was always the next shoe to drop after they overturned Roe. I was a little surprised the court didn’t go straight there in Dodd.
All that shit the court said about the states being able to decide about abortion? Lies. These right-wing nutcases are out to ban abortion everywhere. And they will, through fetal personhood. We can’t pass a law to kill a PERSON without due process, can we?
It’ll happen in the next five years unless we reform the court or impeach the six frauds. Based on our current tendency to go from bad to worse, I doubt either of those will happen.
Emigrate now if you can.
How? Where? None of us have money saved anymore. Groceries and rent have made sure we can’t save any money for anything.
…Unless, there is an adopt an American family movement I haven’t heard of? Can we start one?!
I’m Sally Struthers, and I’m here to talk to you about the reality of life here in the nation of America. This is a photo Timmy. Timmy is a 28 year old middle-manager at a large box store. With just $400 a week Tim can finally afford the new master cylinder in his 2006 Camry and get a new used iPhone 8.
Please give today.
Sad violin music plays and swells, pan over wide eyed, hopeful Americans with light luggage packed, waiting patiently for their new family, an arm waves tentatively, friendly but scared…
🎶 In the arms of an angel
Not the only next step. They are also looking to ban contraceptives. IUDs will be up first because sobre believe life begins at fertilization.
How the fuck would they even do that. Stopping fertilization isn’t killing a ‘person’ as defined by them either.
Moralizing laws aren’t new at all. Look at how many “dry” counties we have, how many places close liquor stores on Sunday, the restrictions on strip clubs, the history of sodomy laws… the Evangelicals have been trying to take over for a long time and this is what happens whej we tolerate even an ounce of religious rule.
The evangelicals have been terrorizing normal people and forcing their bigotry on everyone for centuries. Enough is fucking enough.
My ancestors came to the conclusion that it starts when they get annoying. Its just that we cant take counter terror actions we once did because of things like forensics and police, just let us burn them in their churches damnit. Also we usually ignored the more humanist ones, atleast yoh could have reasoned debate with men like John Brown so long as it wasnt something like slavery.