Hi there, I’m not trying to start a political argument or anything, I’m just curious what people here think about this often repeated claim that the Federation is a socialist or even communist utopia? I know Strange New Worlds did say in dialogue it is socialist but I was wondering if people here think that’s accurate? I’m not a communist or a marxist or anything like that, but I’ve had people who identify as such tell me the Federation basically is communist. So anyway, what’s your thoughts?
Yeah I’m not a communist primarily because I’m against dictatorship and human rights abuse but socialism sounds more interesting
If you don’t want to start a political argument, that’s not the way to do it.
We can’t get to the Star Trek future unless we can limit the “rights” of capitalists in some way. In fact, we won’t have any future on this planet at all, since they seem hell bent on destroying all biodiversity in the name of profits. If stopping them is called dictatorship, then sign me the fuck up.
From a Marxist perspective, all class-based societies are governed by dictatorships:
Right now, we live in the Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie
I’m not a Marxist so don’t agree
You literally just don’t know what you’re talking about
Because I’m not a Marxist? Um ok lol
Well yes, but more broadly because you keep using words without knowing what they mean
Do you mean dictatorship? Most ppl use it in the way I mean, as the vast majority are not Marxists.
Given this thread is about whether or not the Federation is a communist or socialist society, Marxist definitions are the most useful, eh? Furthermore, I’d argue that the term Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie very accurately describes American (I’m an American) society, and does so regardless of one’s personal beliefs.
Well there are non Marxist socialist/communist models and systems but I take your point. I was just answering you because you responded to why I’m not a communist, that’s all
Again, perfectly fair. Before I was a communist, I rejected Marxist concepts as well. I’ve spent over two decades reading and listening to arguments for and against all sort of political, social and economic ideas. I’ve identified with centrism, liberalism, libertarianism, social democracy and other ideologies. Today, I consider myself to be a Marxist/socialist/communist not because it’s just the latest thing I’ve hit upon, but because it’s what’s made the most sense to me. When I use Marxist words and ideas, I don’t do so because I’m a Marxist; I’m a Marxist because those words and ideas have helped me to make the most sense of the world. And I’m certainly not demanding, or even asking, you do become a Marxist, I’m just asking you to consider what makes the most sense.