I was recently held up in absolute dead stop traffic. We were sitting on the tarmac with no movement for well over an hour, in the 80 degree sun, before I felt obliged to leave my car and go see if it was because of roadwork or an accident or what.
I joined a small crowd of onlookers after reaching the head, spectating a row of sit-in protesters. One driver had tried to get around but a few protesters moved tactically so that he couldn’t go any further without injuring somebody.
I didn’t wait around, although there were people phoning the police and some tempers beginning to flare. So I head back to my car. The dairy groceries that I picked up on the way back from work had begun to spoil.
I was late home by nearly three hours, so no time to unwind. Just enough to pack away some old leftovers before heading off to sleep and restart cycle all over, -1 hour or so of sleep.
Previously, I had no opinion whatsoever on whether cars=good or cars=bad. But after being held up in traffic, wasting money, wasting gas, losing sleep and perhaps a bit of my sanity I am now totally on board with the Fuck Cars movement. I couldn’t imagine a more convincing strategy to bring people over to your perspective. Excellent thinking. Good job.
You’re right, I couldn’t ignore it. And it did affect me.
Like I mention in OP, I was previously somebody with no opinion either way on the issue who is now today firmly in favor of the value and dominance of vehicles as America’s #1 choice of transportation.
I have since bought stock in some road surface producers and major auto manufacturers, regardless how they end up performing. If the protestor’s goals were to turn people away from your movement’s ideals, then they’ve succeeded spectacularly here.
I bet you also eat 2 steaks instead of one because a vegan annoyed you that one time.
1, I don’t believe you.
2, cuck shit.
“Oh~ a guy mugged me, now I’m actually pro murder, yep, that’s me, I love killing people now, la la la”
i read your op, and i thought you were sincere. i am surprised to now see that you think sarcasm is wit, and that protesting shouldn’t inconvenience people.
how have you not caught a banhammer yet?
Wow you surely showed them who’s boss huh
your 3 stocks surely will make a difference I’m sure
(Imagine being this butthurt)
Well, let’s analyze things. Another comment from your wonderful community:
Advocating violence … because cars exist. Who exactly do they plan on maiming/killing? Indiscriminate driver’s license holders? Surely there must be a better way to get your message across.
If by butthurt you mean remaining grounded in reality, then sure.
Wait, you think that’s advocation of violence? For observing that peaceful protests being punished super harshly could lead to violent protests? Sick analysis mate, maybe you should stop inhaling car fumes and work on your reading comprehension, that’s a straight F right there.
“Remaining grounded in reality” lmao whatever lets you sleep at night Mr. super-rational proud owner of 3 carstocks.
“holding no opinion” is holding the default opinion
The objective is not really to defend the values of capitalism but only to pretend not to be aware of them.