Has someone or something stolen from you? Do you know who/what it was? Did it affect you? Do you care?
Doesn’t have to be serious.
Share your stories!
I was a court advocate for victims of domestic violence, volunteering at the same facility that had helped me escape an extreme situation. Having noticed that there was no federal, state, local, or private list of resources for people in crisis, I approached the director to request permission to compile a comprehensive guide and make it publicly available. Although I would’ve done it for free, the director saw the need and suggested this should be a highly-paid position; she announced the job opening to everyone at the next meeting.
A woman I’d never seen before expressed interest at the meeting, so I introduced myself and offered to collaborate to make the publication a success. We were scheduled to make our presentation to the board in a month. I gathered my half of the research and negotiated with businesses to donate materials and operating expenses, so that this program would be self-sustaining. I contacted the other woman every couple days to update her on what I’d accomplished, and to gather her data. She never had anything except excuses, so I gathered her share of the data, too.
On the day of the meeting, I’d done 100% of the work, which I’d happily shared with her, and I had put together the entire presentation. I didn’t mind, because this was a valuable community service. I arrived early for the meeting and sat outside the closed boardroom, waiting for my “partner”, but she never showed up.
At precisely the agreed-upon time for our meeting to start, the boardroom door opened and my partner emerged, grinning as everyone congratulated her. Yeah. I still didn’t get it.
I was ushered in and was asked to make my presentation. I was quickly interrupted because the board wanted to see MY efforts, not the work of the other woman. They accused me of stealing her work and told me to leave.
The other woman received a hefty salary for almost a year, but she never even bothered to use my research and connections to make even one flyer. Eventually she was fired and the failed community service idea became anathema to the facility.
That fucker changed the meeting time, stole my work and all the credit for it, scammed herself into the position, took the salary from the outreach budget, and destroyed the comprehensive resource list that would have helped tens of thousands of people in crisis.
a) Kudos for getting out and giving back. You took your strength and utilized it ten-fold. That’s really cool.
b) Had this done twice, once with my just-desserts and once with my face on the concrete.
c) Idk if a lot of the people who were volunteering were in the same space as you but some people are just warped either by life or by the situation and it sounds like you found a real rotten one. Worst part is she’s still probably out there doing it to someone else. I think it’s kinda like when they say stuff like how you can’t become rich without stepping on others. It takes some really skeezy characteristics to get ahead in this world, and they all seem to be the exact opposite morals promote.
Fuck that woman though, you did what you wanted to out of the good of your heart and your program could have made a big difference. Hopefully now there’s another program that has floated to the surface that has taken its place and does okay. I wish you had a heart to heart with the director, but I bet you ten bucks you ended up leaving if one of the people who turned on you was her. All things aside, I’m sorry you had this happen to you. It’s outright rotten.
People broke into our house while we were upstairs with our 1 week old baby, at 1am. They took our keys and our car. We have 4 kids. No way to get them to school or me to work.
Turned out they were aged between 15 and 17 and got a slap on the wrist. We got an insurance payout and a different car.
Yep. Fucking hate thieves
Pushbike stolen … Many times. Once was kinda my fault for leaving it out, but every other time it was some cunt working hard to get a push bike. Every time I only found out just when I was going to the bike to go some where. One time, the bike was in a secure garage with two gates and the fucker secretly tail gated a car on foot to get in and then waited for another car to leave to tailgate them.
Motorbike stolen … it was a cheap and nasty one but still
Apartment broken into … 18th birthday present fancy watch stolen along gaming console
Nah, never your fault. You were just being you. Humans make mistakes. Assholes just take advantage of that fact. That garage bit there is why I always tell my girlfriend safety is an illusion. Cause like you could have some Fort Knox shit going on, and still get absolutely screwed out of something. I mean, I’m still locking my doors. I’m not saying like…I’m not, but you know - if people see something they want they’ll work their damndest to get it. I’m sorry people kept hitting you up, but I hope things are somewhat better now? At least on the homefront. I don’t know about bikes, cause those things are still being stolen like crazy.
Cheers! Yea things are all good. The way bikes are stolen is crazy though. I’ve known otherwise reasonable people that honestly believed any bike they found that was not locked was free game. Not friends with them anymore.
Hahaha! I had an ex who said they grew up with a neighborhood bike - because there was one, and all the kids took turns stealing it from one another =P!!!
Someone on here said like 30% of stolen goods are bikes. Look at at least 30% of the things stolen here. Makes me laugh! But in a kinda “life’s a beach” way. It’s crazy.
On the friends thing, doesn’t it make you wonder sometimes if they ever grew out of it or are out here acting as agents of chaos in ways we might feel but do not know =P!? Cheers!
On the friends thing, doesn’t it make you wonder sometimes if they ever grew out of it or are out here acting as agents of chaos in ways we might feel but do not know =P!? Cheers!
All the time.
Hunter S Thompson once said “in a world of thieves the only final sin is getting caught”
The year was 1990. A kid stole my WWF ring and wrestlers. I will never forgive or forget.
Isn’t it crazy how you can “go there” when you think about it. It’s my lesson in the fact that all emotions are valid. Because I can be young again, and grumpy that some “sumabitch” stole something from me. Among other emotions from memories. But I will say it’s horrible to have somoene smile and enjoy your company all while sliding stuff into their pockets. A gal I once didn’t like (I like her mama though because she had short blonde hair and a ton of strength) stole something from me too and lied up and down the street over that one. She can go puck herself too, but I also acknowledge big picture these things are just little pieces of my life hahaha!
For me, it was a punk ass who would steal stuff and call me his friend. Although I don’t really care (only in that indignant small child way), I did tell my partner just the other day that “I bet you his ass is in jail.” Well he is, in fact, he’s actually in prison for murder. So yeah, that was a thing.
I’ve had my bike(s) stolen a few times.
It really sucks since usually I’m expecting to be able to bike somewhere (much faster than driving or public transport in my city) and can’t so I end up being late to whatever I was going to. Not to mention the whole process of buying a new bike, a new lock, new lights, etc.
I’m pretty fortunate in that it doesn’t ruin me financially to buy a new $400 Craigslist bike plus $100 in accessories but I would rather not do it every ~2 yrs or so
I’ve heard some people say that they feel violated because someone took their personal stuff, but I guess I just see it as the cost of locking your bike up in public in the city.
Back when I was working with addicts, they’d always peel up and show me their new bikes. Talk about how cheap they got them or what not. And tbh, as far as I know - these people legitimately “bought” them off of others. As in, they weren’t the ones who stole the bikes, but they were so happy for the deal. I can say none of them ever seemed to be remorseful about others, and I mean in that sense I get it. Cause if your life is shit, little wins feel like big victories.
But I also think theft sucks, people don’t even understand how expensive these things can be and they ride them into the ground or get rolled and the next asshole does. Or the asshole after that. Maybe the secret is that there needs to be a way to get the homeless more mobility so they don’t steal from others. Idk. But I can say it probably all stems from the fact that when you’re on the streets you’re allowed to keep stuff but nothing is ever secure. So they go by them rules for everything. Like, I knew this one wonderful guy who just kept everything in a suitcase, and would roll it everywhere. But one day his suitcase was gone, he looked fucking misreable, and he had to start over cause someone ran off with it one night. So you know, it is what it is - but what it is does fucking suck.
Someone stole my digital camera when I was a kid. I left it near the window at the place we were staying at for our vacation and someone must have grabbed it from the outside while we were gone. I was probably pretty mad about it back then. Nothing since, that I can remember right now at least.
Hey, that’s pretty good! I mean in the grand scheme of things.
My first ebike was stolen, about a week after I’d put it together. I was looking forward to zipping around my city with it. What really sucked is that I had bought it before getting laid off, and was looking forward to zipping around the city for fun while I looked for a new job. Luckily, I did find something new after 6 months and could eventually buy a new one.
That super sucks, especially the timing. I’m sorry. I hope you’re in a better place now?
I am, thank you! It’s pretty common in my city, the police took one look at the surveillance footage and shrugged it off. I hope the thief got a decent amount for it.
The new ebike was my first big purchase after getting the new job, and it’s a ton of fun. :)
It’s those small victories right? Hahaha! Thanks for putting a smile on my face =)!
p.s. - Cameras are so worthless more times than not. I was going to say most, but I do think a camera helped catch that messed up guy who killed those kids in Michigan (was it Michigan? The dorm kids). Either way, most times in my own experience cameras are worthless.
When I was in college almost 20 years ago, my first car was stolen by a pro chop shop.
My first car was a magical feeling of freedom. I was able to go anywhere and have friends with me, it was like a home away from home. One day I parked it and a few hours later I went to leave and the car was gone. I filled a police report and insurance.
About 3 days later the police found the car on the street with no engine, no wheels, just dumped there.
I went to see the car at the impound lot and wow everything was missing or destroyed. The entire car was covered in oil to hide fingerprints. I was destroyed.
There have also been times where people steal from my house, people I thought were friends. But the car really damaged me. I’m not the same person I was before the car was stolen.
That’s the thing that’s messed up when people say crap like stealing is a moral imperative or people who steal think “they’ll be alright, they’ll just go get a new _.” Of which I have seen both said in my lifetime. There is something that breaks when someone crosses your boundaries in a way that completely blindsides you. I don’t really care what it is, but more often than not it’s almost like it steals your faith in humanity. And that, you can work on getting back but it’s never the same as it once was. Bug hugs, sorry you had to have your baby done like that. Assholes gunna ass. Ugh.
Thanks for the kind words. <3
Yeah, of course. Yours really broke my heart because I’ve been there done that only it was my buddy’s car Centra (Sentra - had a jam) that was three different colors but was like a second home. The oil really did me in when I was reading this, like these fuckers not only defiled the thing you loved but did it willfully. Got me in that pitchfork kinda way, but you know - nothing can be done over it.
Big hugs =
My surplus labor value at my first job, my second job, a few jobs in between and my current job.
Recent story but not me. A friend of mine just had his car stolen two days ago. He was going to bed around midnight and heard something outside, so he looked out the window just in time to see his vehicle rounding the corner on the street.
He phoned the RCMP who managed to catch the guy a few miles down the road. The thief had ripped the Sirius radio out of the vehicle but otherwise there didn’t seem to be any damage. My friend and his mom had picked up the vehicle the next morning and was driving home when they heard a loud “pop” and the vehicle caught fire, burning to the ground. (My guess is when the guy ripped out the radio some wires got damaged and shorted out.)
So now he’s scrambling to find a new set of wheels that he can’t really afford to do because he needs it to get back and forth from work which is 16 miles one way. He will eventually get some insurance money for the vehicle, but who knows how much, and that probably won’t be for a little while. In the meantime he’s kind of up the creek without a paddle.
I mean, yeah! But there’s a ton of places in America (not sure about anywhere else) that you can’t bike. I mean, like period. Even places you can, you’re gunna get hit by a car at least once.
Doesn’t it count as a road vehicle like in Germany? Wear a camera and a hammer. You can also get one of those sticks that sticks like half a meter out so they have to pass with legal clearance.
Stuff in America is drawn out. Like super, dee-duper drawn out. Motorcylist get smashed up on the road. A biker has no chance against others. But even in places I’ve lived where they had bike-paths everyone I know who biked got smashed up at least once and had a long-term injury from it. Only the pretty extreme riders (as in wearing the spandex suits with the helmet with the lights on top and the bike that they lean forward on) are the people I’ve ever seen riding down a highway. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any bikers on the freeway. A large problem that I’ve seen coast to coast is a lack of sidewalks. Or if there are sidewalks, a lack of upkeep on said sidewalks.
Also, hi sis!
*Also this is just what I’ve picked up on, there might someone else who can say the exact opposite. Just what I’ve learned as I’ve gone through life =)
Getting a new car in a pinch is ass. Just pure ass. I think he can get a rental for now, but make sure he makes them move on it because otherwise he’ll be ass-out on all of this. We had to deal with something similar recently, and it just was 100% booty. Used cars suck unebelievably right now too. If he knows someone with an older car who’s looking to upgrade it might actually cost less to just buy it off the person than grab one from a dealer. But really, it’s all just one giant ass-sandwich. Ugh.
Im a bit busy but like I can’t believe anyone can get to adulthood without having something stolen from them and likely stealing something to boot.
I crashed a friend’s house one night, and I woke up and $50 was missing out of my wallet.
I asked my friend, who I knew had stolen it, “how can $50 disappear from my wallet overnight?” and he looked me dead in the eye and said:
“I don’t know man. It’s a mystery.”
We aren’t friends anymore.
I wonder if your friend was an addict, an asshole, compulsive, or some combination of the set?
He was a pothead selfish asshole, thought working was beneath him.
Wanted a half ounce of weed more than he wanted my friendship.
I don’t like people floating weed as this innocuous thing. I’ve met some really shitty potheads. But I also know that I’ve more than likely met a bunch of grounded regular smokers too. I don’t think people should go to jail for it, but I def think it brings out some really awful characteristics in some folks. But that’s just me. I mean when it’s legal (cause it most def will be her cross-country at some point) I think people will start talking about it the same way they talk about alcohol. Because some folks will drown themselves in it. But also hopefully at that time, we might also start addressing our horrendous food situation too. Shrugs.
Or all be dead from global warming. Eh.
But yeah, fuck that dude.
I’ve got nothing against weed. Like I have indulged recreationally myself a time or two, and honestly other than the occasional giggles I don’t really see the appeal.
I think it affects everybody differently, for me it’s just usually too heavy and too strong to indulge in other than every once in awhile.
Oh for sure it affects everyone differently. And I know different strains for different things. I sort of forgot, but I tried a slew again like five years into my pain period. Just to try to figure out if I could fix stuff with it. Hilariously it always seemed to make my pain worse, so it’s probably outright just not for me. Shrooms? My jam. Weed. Eh.
I have just seen people basically neglect themselves, let alone others who depend on them - all in the name of weed. So ultimately I don’t care too much for it as a whole.
Awww bizzaroland. I hope you got some better friends.
So did you ever solve the mystery? 😐
Must have been the wind
Maybe his friend’s wind 😐
That’s a scene from Trailer Park Boys.
“Ray, you didn’t see $60 lying around, did ya bud?”
“Sixty bucks? What, like twenties or something?”
Ah, I totally didn’t get this first go round because my brains were trying to put together how a->b. But I get it now, and it also kinda reminds me of this goofabout.
Yeah my new bicycle was stolen. Right where everyone could see it, and there were no other bikes. 250 euro lock.
I heard they use a spray to freeze the lock and then just break it.
Couldn’t have been happier because it was a piece of shit and my insurance got me a new one that I still have over a decade later! Karma is a bitch.
Yeah =D~! I heard bike locks are bullshit. I heard comboing can help, but tha tin general if someone wants your bike they’ll figure a way. Especially if they’re good at it.
Yes, by pirates. They looted me art thinking they could get away with disregarding even any minimal courtesy for that, but I showed I can go full Julius Caesar on them, and with the power of a single prayer to mod, almost like magic, their very substance vanished in a puff of smoke. Don’t mess with creative minds.
Yo, much love but that’s actually like hard for me to read. I mean the text. Idk if it’s cause I sit kinda back or my brain but I gave it a try and I couldn’t get through it. But it sounds like a fuck-face stole your art and you got them to take it down. Which is ballin’! I knew one artist who got their stuff stolen by some Chinese company/artist something like that. They were despondant, but it seems like there’s really nothing you can do in this scenario. Which stinks.
It’s because I tried to say it in a joking way and failed, but yeah
Noooo, it’s like I literally couldn’t read it - like it had so many underlines I had actual trouble reading it. It’s super not you. I think it’s yet again a combo of the website and my brain. I also sit a hundred miles away from my screen, and it’s not condusive for stylized reading.