Wait until you see a British fire hydrant…
Can you time travel in them?
Would you prefer it if all those high pressure water pumps were directly underneath the ground, one shovel away?
Then you probably don’t want to learn about Easter Island either.
You think water pipes run twelve inches underground? Wtf.
What in the dog dickety fuck?
They’re the Digletts of civil engineering.
I can’t believe they amputated that diglets fingers
I learned this fighting the giant super mutants in Fallout 3 that used them as clubs.
I remember this guy! First fallout game I played, my friend introduced it to me and let me borrow his disk for the PS3.
This is probably the first boss I’ve fought and in my memory it’ll always be an intense battle.
Woah that’s incredible
they must be in a place with a very deep frost depth.
My guess is the area is pretty sloped. It’s probably near the same depth as sewage, and sewage always has to run downhill (until it reaches a lift). This can cause some pipes to be pretty deep.
Probably both, like maybe in Colorado or Appalachia.
It depends if you live where the ground freezes or not.
Southern hydrants are normal length.
Looks like a good harvest this year.
This is not your best work.
They gotta reach the mains, which need to be well below the frost line. Watermain breaks are common enough from tree root and age damage, they gotta prevent them freezing as much as possible too.
The fire hydrant stops at the red paint. You can see where it bolts to the water main. The rest of the piping is the city water system.
Sorry, but that is wrong, the hydrant is that long so the valve can be below the frost line, otherwise it would freeze in the winter. The length depends on how deep the frost line is in your area. Here are some for https://www.muellercompany.com/water-works/hydrants/fire-hydrants
It looks like you’re right for at least a couple of those examples. That’s cool, I learned something today. So what’s up with the bolts at the base? I guess the valve part slides into the main pipe so they can easily replace it when needed?
They are universal. You ca. either have the valve right there in fair weather places, or you use extensions to make it below a 2’ 4’ or 8’ frost line.
I’d imagine it also makes repairs easier. Say a car hits a fire hydrant. It’s really only going to damage the part above ground. Having that part bolted on means you don’t have to dig out and replace the entire thing.
Why are they blocking someone’s sidewalk
Note: I realize the tone of my writing could sound judgemental, but I’m just trying to be informative and answer the question above ♥️
Major utility/roadwork is being done. It’s not just the sidewalk that’s affected but also at least a lane of roadway. Likely the driveway to the road has a temporary gravel apron. Since this sidewalk has steps there’s no need for temporary ADA accommodations, which the homeowner would have negotiated with the local governing body before construction began. So if they need to walk somewhere they either walk in the grass or cross the road to walk in that sidewalk, if it exists. You can see the sidewalk has been torn up along with the asphalt
There should be more and better pedestrian access in the burbs. That being said, improvements happen in public easement, and it’s not always convenient. For anyone
It’s nice you took it so earnestly to be helpful, but I think you got wooshed.
Oh. I wasn’t giving you a hard time. I was just thinking stepping out in the morning to walk my dog and seeing that. WTF?
No idea if you were wooshed but personally, I always appreciate an informative answer like yours. Thank you.
Uh, what’s wrong with long hydrants? I don’t know about you, but I appreciate that my hydrant keeps working in the winter and doesn’t get punctured when I’m digging to replace my sprinkler piping.