Figured while I posted one of my favorites, I would also post my absolute favorite audiobook. I really like “soft horror” and Hill house is suuuppppeerrrrrr influential to the greater horror sphere. It’s had a buh-jillion iterations, and I am not sure if any of them were bad (although some people will probably fight me on The Haunting). But the audiobook, I have listened to about 750xs. Because this narrorator has a very unique voice, a clear background in acting, and can transform her essence left and right in zero seconds flat. Very animated! I originally listened to this on Libby as well, but later grabbed it here because I wanted to make sure I could carry it with me. This is also a great read, listen, watch - tale you can absorb through osmosis. However you get it, ti’s a great get.
I remember being freaked out over the early 2000’s remake, harder than any movie ever. But I watched it recently and it was silly, laughable how scared I got back then
I’ll revisit the audiobook! Great promotion of it, I got hyped!