Former President Donald Trump backed out of an ABC debate with Vice
President Kamala Harris and called for Fox News face-off instead.
Harris' campaign accuses him of running scared.
Harris should refuse Fox because they have claimed in court to be an entertainment channel and not a news organization. If she does use her ABC time she should post that on a giant screen behind her podium.
Considering how quick they are to point out that Biden legitimately won the 2020 election now that they had to pay out, Harris should hammer the point that Biden win in 2020 to poke the bear that is Trump. We’ll see if Fox is willing to be assured again and not call him on it or cut him off.
This is a very good point. If she ever ends up on Fox (hope not), it would be negligent not to use this attack. T**** lost, and he still can’t admit this basic, important fact. A fact his lawyers, all around the country, could not escape, in even the most friendly jurisdiction. Some of them are now disbarred because of this. Fox News paid an incredible sum (and lost Cucker) because of this.
To be clear Fox has never argued that their entire network is entertainment and not news. They have made that distinction between what they call opinion shows like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity’s old shows and their actual news segments. Fox does produce a legitimate news broadcast that is considerably less biased and inflammatory than those opinion shows. Unfortunately that broadcast is not nearly as popular as the garbage shows they’ve had to make the arguments you’re referencing about.
Not entire network of shows is entertainment there’s the 2 hours a day when they give their preferred hosts a break. I don’t really know the hours spent on actual news but I have the impression it’s in low single digit hours. I also assume they put more emphasis on right wing topics during those times, as factual as they may be rather than a balanced news source. If I’m wrong I’ll gladly be corrected since I don’t really watch broadcast TV anyt.
I don’t give a flying fuck about the bullshit excuses of lying propagandists. And no, their “news” segments are not “legitimate:” the fact that they’re “considerably less biased” than the rest of it is just damning with faint praise. The “news” segments may not tell outright lies like the talking-head shows do, but they damn well lie by omission in terms of which stories they choose to cover and who they choose to quote.
I don’t think anything I said could be considered praise of Fox News. It’s simply more factual and measured than the profanity laden emotional outburst you chose to go with. Fox can suck a whole bag of dicks for all I care, I just think it’s important to have your facts straight. After all, not doing so is exactly why most of us have a problem with Fox to begin with.
I just think it’s important to have your facts straight.
Then why didn’t you? The fact is that even what they call “news” is still extremely biased. The fact that it’s “less” so, compared to commentary shows that are so far off the deep end that I’d have to invent new superlatives to adequately express how biased they are, does not change its position on an absolute bias scale.
You called that shit “legitimate,” and that just isn’t true.
Are you really getting your panties in a bunch because I’m not agreeing with you hard enough? Or is it that you’d rather virtue signal than acknowledge facts? The main takeaway of what I originally said is that Fox has never said in court that their news segments are entertainment that has no obligation to stick to the truth. The person I responded to made that claim and it is factually incorrect. That argument only applies to what they call their opinion segments. If you take issue with that then you’re ignorant of the facts and that’s all there is to it.
If you want to interpret the rest of what I said as an endorsement of the quality of their news segments then that’s your own business. Those were clearly relative statements which you are choosing to be intentionally obtuse about so please take this opportunity to take the rest of your unnecessarily hostile comments with you when you fuck off.
She already is sticking to the scheduled debate that will be next week and starting that they can schedule additional ones. The whole Fox News stunt likely is an attempt to avoid debate at all.
Read article that she refused and told Trump he needs to stick to the debate he already agreed to on a prime time channel. Not all of us have cable but lots of people can pick up ABC. She said she be there weather he is or not.
“We’re happy to discuss further debates after the one both campaigns have already agreed to,” he added. “Mr. Anytime, anywhere, anyplace should have no problem with that unless he’s too scared to show up on the 10th.”
Harris should refuse Fox because they have claimed in court to be an entertainment channel and not a news organization. If she does use her ABC time she should post that on a giant screen behind her podium.
She should agree to Fox if:
It takes place after ABC (so Trump doesn’t bail)
Fox airs an explanation, immediately before and after the debate, for the $750 million+ settlement concerning the Big Lie.
And continuously scrolling on the bottom during the while thing.
Considering how quick they are to point out that Biden legitimately won the 2020 election now that they had to pay out, Harris should hammer the point that Biden win in 2020 to poke the bear that is Trump. We’ll see if Fox is willing to be assured again and not call him on it or cut him off.
This is a very good point. If she ever ends up on Fox (hope not), it would be negligent not to use this attack. T**** lost, and he still can’t admit this basic, important fact. A fact his lawyers, all around the country, could not escape, in even the most friendly jurisdiction. Some of them are now disbarred because of this. Fox News paid an incredible sum (and lost Cucker) because of this.
To be clear Fox has never argued that their entire network is entertainment and not news. They have made that distinction between what they call opinion shows like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity’s old shows and their actual news segments. Fox does produce a legitimate news broadcast that is considerably less biased and inflammatory than those opinion shows. Unfortunately that broadcast is not nearly as popular as the garbage shows they’ve had to make the arguments you’re referencing about.
Not entire network of shows is entertainment there’s the 2 hours a day when they give their preferred hosts a break. I don’t really know the hours spent on actual news but I have the impression it’s in low single digit hours. I also assume they put more emphasis on right wing topics during those times, as factual as they may be rather than a balanced news source. If I’m wrong I’ll gladly be corrected since I don’t really watch broadcast TV anyt.
Eh, I’d debate the word ‘considerably’.
Less blatant bias? Yes. Still biased AF? Also yes.
I don’t give a flying fuck about the bullshit excuses of lying propagandists. And no, their “news” segments are not “legitimate:” the fact that they’re “considerably less biased” than the rest of it is just damning with faint praise. The “news” segments may not tell outright lies like the talking-head shows do, but they damn well lie by omission in terms of which stories they choose to cover and who they choose to quote.
I don’t think anything I said could be considered praise of Fox News. It’s simply more factual and measured than the profanity laden emotional outburst you chose to go with. Fox can suck a whole bag of dicks for all I care, I just think it’s important to have your facts straight. After all, not doing so is exactly why most of us have a problem with Fox to begin with.
Then why didn’t you? The fact is that even what they call “news” is still extremely biased. The fact that it’s “less” so, compared to commentary shows that are so far off the deep end that I’d have to invent new superlatives to adequately express how biased they are, does not change its position on an absolute bias scale.
You called that shit “legitimate,” and that just isn’t true.
Are you really getting your panties in a bunch because I’m not agreeing with you hard enough? Or is it that you’d rather virtue signal than acknowledge facts? The main takeaway of what I originally said is that Fox has never said in court that their news segments are entertainment that has no obligation to stick to the truth. The person I responded to made that claim and it is factually incorrect. That argument only applies to what they call their opinion segments. If you take issue with that then you’re ignorant of the facts and that’s all there is to it.
If you want to interpret the rest of what I said as an endorsement of the quality of their news segments then that’s your own business. Those were clearly relative statements which you are choosing to be intentionally obtuse about so please take this opportunity to take the rest of your unnecessarily hostile comments with you when you fuck off.
She already is sticking to the scheduled debate that will be next week and starting that they can schedule additional ones. The whole Fox News stunt likely is an attempt to avoid debate at all.
The scheduled debate is Sep 10, not next week
Ah, my bad.
Read article that she refused and told Trump he needs to stick to the debate he already agreed to on a prime time channel. Not all of us have cable but lots of people can pick up ABC. She said she be there weather he is or not.
I think you mean “broadcast channel” and yes I wholeheartedly agree.
They have already responded. Flat out said stop playing games and show up on the 10th or I’ll use that prime time spot on my own. Perfectly executed.