This is why I use a script blocker to block the scripts from marketing domains. From what I have been able to see the cookies aren’t written because the code that writes it is not allowed to execute. It also stops script injections and other malware payloads that require extra-domain linkages to scripts.
This is why I use a script blocker to block the scripts from marketing domains. From what I have been able to see the cookies aren’t written because the code that writes it is not allowed to execute. It also stops script injections and other malware payloads that require extra-domain linkages to scripts.
Firefox + uBlock Origin + Privacy Badger, and happily click on yes to cookies and shit
+ pihole and throw in noscript if you’re extra paranoid
As much as I like no script, last time I tried it. It broke like 75% of the websites.
I just block everything by default with uMatrix and read plain HTML.