
Warning: you will get texted so use your disposal number.

With all the news about citizens discovering their voter status has been lapsed, and new rules for being a voter, everyone should check.

But also, sometimes you forget. I have new neighbors who finished moving a month ago, and when I asked if they changed their mailing address and checked their voting status, we discovered they weren’t.

    6 months ago

    If someone is so inept that they are incapable of utilizing the internet or otherwise seeking help from a person who they trust, or (shock) reach out to their local authorities to navigate the very simple task of registering to vote then yes, I believe said individual is probably not in a position to cast a meaningful and informed vote. Does that disenfranchise people? Yes. There is a point in which we must draw a line in saying certain individuals are not eligible to participate in this system (which we do all the time; see: minors, felons, etc.)

    That being said, my comment is not physically stopping a moron-incapable-of-using-google from registering to vote—further I provided general information on how to do it. I want everyone who can do so to vote.

            6 months ago

            Ah, yes of course, because there can’t be any subtlety to how we feel societal systems be implemented—it must all be all or nothing. Regardless, nothing I posted is blocking people from voting or advocating for actual impediments. I just shared an aside that my personal opinion is that if someone is too stupid to figure out how to vote they probably shouldn’t be voting in the first place.