This lying liar is exposed by John Oliver. If you think this piece of shit is compelling in November, please find out what an absolute shitbag he is. They’ve got the receipts.
This lying liar is exposed by John Oliver. If you think this piece of shit is compelling in November, please find out what an absolute shitbag he is. They’ve got the receipts.
I’m Canadian so I can’t vote in the US of course. But like you said, he didn’t seem worst than Trump. On the contrary. He was a much better candidate. And as for Biden, as good a guy that he could be, he was way too old. So yeah, RFK seemed like a good compromise. I mean imagine how bad it is to get to that point.
I would vote for anal fissures before either Trump or RFK.
Once you read about him he is pretty much the same thing. Everything was handed to him. He had to ask for nothing. Had absentee parents that allowed the privileged spoiled kid become a privileged spoiled adult. The only redeeming feature was his ability to go sober and the years he did his community service as a lawyer for an environmental firm. Dude abused women, went to Epstein Island, and his interference with vaccines has caused deaths. He will say or do anything to get attention as long as he doesn’t have to do the work. Sound familiar?
You shouldn’t be such a gullible idiot and read more about people before endorsing them like this.
Can you, like, chill? Please don’t be so eager to insult people like this.
And who said I was endorsing him? We’re just talking about the guy. Sheesh!