Take my upvote for the unexpected Magritte quote.
[Mario Bros Intensifies]
I love this screensaver. You can install it on newer machines if you know where to look.
Because of this post and your comment I now have it once again. Thank you.
Fun unrelated fact. In French, pipe means either a smoking pipe or a bj.
On Windows 2000 and earlier, one of the joints had the chance of looking like the Utah teapot.
that shit would have blown my mind. had to use 2000 pro and server a lot for work, while studying computer graphics.
I miss that screensaver
I still have it, you can easily download the original screen saver file and put it in the right folder
I’ve seen an even better screensaver back then, and I’m wondering what happend to it. It featured a small sandy island with a palm tree and a stranded guy. This guy would regularly go behind the palm tree, get something out of an insanely bottomless invisible warehouse, build something from the stuff to leave the island, fail, and return to rest position.
Does anyone have an idea what it was called and whether it is still around somewhere?
A search tells me it was Johnny Castaway, and yes I do also remember it. https://www.screensaversplanet.com/screensavers/johnny-castaway-237/
Thank you! I’ve seen that this thing would work under Wine, so I can actually see it live!
When openGL was developed for 3d graphics in Windows, there was not yet any Software to showcase its capabilities. So the internal Microsoft team held a competition for procedural 3d graphics using the new technology. They looked amazing, but served no real function… Which made them perfect for screensavers!
I had no idea that Microsoft made those screensavers. Now I’m wondering why why would make software for the direct competitor to DirectX.
They still needed to support OpenGL on the platform due to so much other software using it.
Here is a more detailed blog post I found. I hope I got the details right!