Banking apps seem to be a motif among things that don’t play well with privacy ROMs. My bank’s website does everything I could want out of it. I think I might be ignorant to something.

  • What about banking apps is especially compelling?
  • How often do banks put must-have features behind an app?
  • And should I be concerned that banks might move away from offering services through browsers?
    6 months ago

    If the day comes where I don’t have a choice, I will start carrying a second device with nothing but banking & similar nonsense that prevents my freedom to do what I want with the device I own. OP knows the website experience matter since it not only gets ported to platforms outside the mobile monopoly but sandboxes the banks for spying on your device & asking questions that aren’t their business like if I run an unGoogled ROM. Good thing there was a mass of pushback against Google trying to add attestestion to Chromium ore we’d enjoy the same nonsense on the web too where I’m sure Linux would be block by these goobers.