I…I kinda unironically like the spirit behind this in a serious way.
I know things like safety codes and such would need a solution for sure, but a fixable kit car as a response to Tesla’s black-box-appliance-cars would be really freakin excellent right about now.
Should’ve been a kit car
That they assembled while driving it down the freeway.
“Whaddayamean the brakes are in a different package?!?”
My gear shift is deprecated.
Turn signal is in the AUR
Is there any other way?
You mean the gnu/linux libre car?
I…I kinda unironically like the spirit behind this in a serious way.
I know things like safety codes and such would need a solution for sure, but a fixable kit car as a response to Tesla’s black-box-appliance-cars would be really freakin excellent right about now.
For real.
omfg that plate is hilarious
I need to get that license plate for my car lol
Ah, got to love the Hammerhead Eagle iThrust
“we have Cybertruck at home”
Are you implying the Hammerhead Eagle iThrust is the knock off?