My bestie broke both of his arms and wrists two days ago. He’s in his 20s, a gamer, has a pregnant wife and a young kid. Any ideas for gifts I can get to cheer him up? He’ll have no use of his arms for 3 months.
Already got a bidet for him and hooked it up. Looking into accessible gaming controllers, but he said that the pain is so bad rn that even alternative controllers are probably a no go.
every fucking thread
We had an opportunity to be different, but it’s not Reddit, it’s us.
I don’t know why, but this moment of self realization is the best thing in this thread.
It’s like a gingerbread man in the gingerbread house comic moment
Good thing I read this before I deleted my original comment.
Why would you do that? Ride or die: the fuck with what others think.
I generally agree with that sentiment but there are the occasional times where upon reflection my own view has changed.
Sometimes the warts on our own faces disgust us the most.
You can take the redditor out of Reddit, but you can’t take the Reddit out of the redditor
Ya’ll got perma band, too? Damn bro
As soon as I read the title to this, I thought “here we go again”, but I’m amazed there are actual helpful comments and only one reference to the arms broken/mom bit
Supremely refreshing
Mankind knew they could not change society, so instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the Beasts
You can, but it might take more than a year.
I let us all down :(
You just jumped in front of the bullet. We were all thinking it. Or… at least I was. I was busy when I saw this question pop up or it would be my name up there under the spotlight of shame.
All of us.
I wouldn’t be shocked if this question was placed specifically as bait. It which case, the internet is unexpectedly restrained today, not immediately taking it.