Unfortunately this symbolism has existed for a long time in the form of the fasces (fascis is latin for fa**ot). A symbol of authority that was heavily used by the fascists (hence the name).
Though of course it would be great if it could be repurposed to for a more positive use :)
“Individually we are weak as a single twig, but bundled together we are as a mighty removed”
I love this. It’s like the apes strong together meme
Unfortunately this symbolism has existed for a long time in the form of the fasces (fascis is latin for fa**ot). A symbol of authority that was heavily used by the fascists (hence the name).
Though of course it would be great if it could be repurposed to for a more positive use :)
For the uncultured people out there:
Someone should start a shitpost bot farm to spam her with that clip for the lulz.
Or Kids in the Hall