Consume fibre and calcium
Not really.
Had some antibiotics mess with my gut flora and lead to the creamy peanut butter. It’s not that bad except that it creates urgency not unlike diarrhea. For gravel, you’re gonna have to define “medium,” but that tends to come from constipation, which can lead to hemorrhoid issues in addition to general discomfort. On the whole, I guess the peanut butter, but it’s a close one.
thank you for taking this seriously. for medium, I would say, like an oblong golf ball.
Okay, in the absence of good holistic data on which to base my judgment, I’ll go with my gut.
LOL, that pun was unintended when it popped into my head, but I could have changed it and yet I choose not to.
I’m not interested in feeding your fetishes.
hey fuck you. I’m high, and the question popped into my head.
More like pooped into your head.
yes, thank you, it did in fact poop into my head
Why you decided to ask this question whilst hypothetically in the shower, im not sure i want to know
Hay man, when your stool is the consistency of creamy peanut butter toilet paper only does so much.
Have had both. Gravel is cleaner
see, that’s what I was thinking.
Who wants to shit rocks?
Eh, I’m bored and curious
It depends on to whom I’m feeding it
your, or someone else’s, septic tank. would your answer change if it were a municipal sewer?
Eh, whatever. I want both. Gimme that crunchy peanut butter poo
this was a test, that was the correct answer. one of our agents will be contacting you shortly