JD Vance graduated from Yale Law School in 2013. On Sunday, a photo of him in drag while attending the law school surfaced. The photo was initially shared by activist Matt Bernstein on social media. After the photo went viral, Travis Whitfill, an Assistant Professor Adjunct in Pediatrics at Yale School of Medicine, claimed he was the source of the photo., US News News - Times Now
Yeah no, you just completely ignored the point.
No I didn’t.
I assure you that you did.
And I assure you that I did not.
57 people show that you did. It’s about hypocrisy, and your ignorance of this only shows how silly and disingenuous you are.
I don’t know what that means or what the context is. 57 people show that I did what? I don’t understand.
I can be pretty ignorant. And silly. But I’m not being disingenuous.
Dude, just because I don’t vote for the same person as you do, doesn’t make me “disingenuous.”
Please remember the civility rule of this sub.
I do not vote in the US as I’m not from there.
I’m not being uncivil and do not need reminders from you.
The topic is about hypocrisy. You ignoring this is being disingenuous, deliberately ignoring the point of this article and why people have heavily down voted you.
I have addressed this though. Go back and read my posts. It IS about hypocrisy. And my point was that pointing out the hypocrisy is fine, but making fun and/or shaming because the person was a hypocrite was not.
My original post was actually pointing out the hypocrisy of many of the comments here. I even had one saying that “making fun of him wearing a dress is ok because it’s satire.” That’s hypocrisy.
Pointing it out is fine. But in my view making fun of him is NOT fine and stoops down to the republican’s level.
And also, if you read my comments and their replies, some people actually agreed with me.
I don’t care about downvotes. It’s the interwebs. This means nothing to me. Plus I am not even voting for the republican or the democratic party. I support and vote for the Green Party.
So no, I wasn’t being disingenuous.
And let me get this straight: it’s ok for you to call me “disingenuous,” “ignorant,” and “silly,” but I remind you of civility and you feel the need to point out that I don’t have to remind you.
Really? Think about that. I haven’t called you or any of the people saying harsh things about me, any names. But I have been called plenty of names.
I’m voting Green Party so in the scheme of things, I don’t care that much. I mean, I’ll defend myself, but I’m not as obsessed or emotionally attached to the subject as many in this thread seem to be.
Yet you posted an essay and still missed the point.
Disingenuous is an adjective, and accurate to how I perceive you. I haven’t used crude language despite your assertions.
I just checked this, and I did not say that, I said “your ignorance”. If you’re going to (try and) quote me, do it properly instead of lying.