JD Vance graduated from Yale Law School in 2013. On Sunday, a photo of him in drag while attending the law school surfaced. The photo was initially shared by activist Matt Bernstein on social media. After the photo went viral, Travis Whitfill, an Assistant Professor Adjunct in Pediatrics at Yale School of Medicine, claimed he was the source of the photo., US News News - Times Now
You’ve commented like 3 dozen times in this thread and added NOTHING of value to the conversation.
You just piss and moan and give hot takes that get debunked in 2 sentences.
You’re fucking boring lmao
I’ve replied to comments and gave people my reasons. If you don’t like it, move on. But them telling me over and over that Stein is a Russian stooge or that I am helping Trump win, add nothing to the conversation either.
If I’m so boring, then why are so many of you wanting to argue with me? Please remember the civility rule of this sub.