This is how you throw low-level drones under the bus: by leaving no paper trail. Then, when your farked-up plan inevitably farks up, you can say, “Oh, we didn’t authorize them (the drones) to do THAT.”
This is about protecting the people in charge, not the idiots who follow them.
And yet the published a 900+ page document outlining (almost) all of the awful thing they want to do.
A weird self own.
There’s actually more they haven’t published yet, and entire core pillar’s worth of the project 2025 platform. Despite having read a fair bit about project 2025, somehow I keep finding new horrible things that are part of it
From a letter signed by 35 representative addressed to the Heritage Foundation
Project 2025 would appear to honor the promise on your website about being “an open book, with our materials available online,”1 except for one glaring problem: the entire “Fourth Pillar,” the “180-Day Playbook” which you describe as a roadmap of comprehensive, concrete, early actions for each federal agency, remains shrouded in secrecy.
You have conspicuously declined to publish or disclose any of the prioritized early actions that we believe would obviously be the most important parts of Project 2025. The immediate executive orders, emergency declarations, presidential directives, and other measures are likely to have profound impacts on the American people and their government. Therefore, we believe it is overwhelmingly in the public interest for you to actually keep your “open book” promise by disclosing the “Fourth Pillar” of Project 2025, and we hope you’ll consider explaining why, unlike the first three pillars, you have been keeping it secret for so long
Hence the “almost”. That fourth pillar must be a doozy…
Step 1: Declare martial law
As if anyone thinks it won’t be something absolutely absurd.
Hey, remember 9/11? War on Terror, Patriot Act, TSA?
That was snoozeville.
See it differently: what got leaked is the stuff they thought could leave a paper trail. So the other stuff is even more extreme.
“Don’t make a paper trail that creates evidence of our illegal shit.”
I can’t fathom the arrogance involved in making Project 2025 public knowledge. Writing books about it with forwards from the VP candidate.
They really thought they could blanket deny all knowledge, flood the media cycle with noise, and keep people from seeing it.
Is you taking notes on a criminal conspiracy?
I also think some of them were so into their far right-wing media bubble that they thought people secretly like all their policies (they don’t)
Plus the media overall has historically not been great at really talking about Republican’s horrifying plans like this in the past. Barely mentioning that kind of stuff if at all. They were also banking on that continuing and to be fair, it almost certainly would’ve if not for the democratic party starting to talk about it way more
I also think some of them were so into their far right-wing media bubble that they thought people secretly like all their policies (they don’t)
honestly I also thought that before all this went down. pleasantly surprised at the backlash.
Reminds me of a story about a criminal who lived in a community of criminals and when he moved into another community kept committing crimes left and right until he was finally arrested. Completely unaware.
Trump’s project 2025 plan is HORRIFIC and should keep people up at night!
Voting blue in November is voting no to this
Fucking disgusting. So glad these are getting leaked. Fuck. These. People.
You say that like more than 5 people will change their vote because of this…
They certainly might! It’s Lemmy though.
I’ll take it if those people are in swing states.
Doesn’t have to be a changed vote. Motivating a Democrat-leaning person to actually go out and vote and/or demotivating a Republican voter to stay home works, too.
I wish I lived in a purple state so I could imaginatively and maliciously encourage voters with bad ideas to stay home. Mwahaha and such.
Then, when you decide to make a meeting, be sure to record all your illegal plans for posterity, like bozonaro did!