Kill the messenger?
anybody got a version I can read without having to sign up
i will say, i was not expecting Ukrainian advances into Russia, but i will say, i am rather pleased thus far.
Rught row, Raggy.
Ukraine is coming, and hell is coming with them.
It’s an allusion to part of a verse in the Bible.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
That is, to say that Hell is coming with you is to say that you are Death. It’s an oblique way to say that you’re going to kill someone.
Tombstone makes the allusion as well.
The Cowboys are finished, you understand me? I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it! So run, you cur, run! Tell all the other curs the law is coming! You tell them I’m coming, and Hell’s coming with me, you hear? Hell’s coming with me!
Literally or figuratively?
Of course figuratively. He wishes the governor well and in fact has invited him on a nice trip to Moscow where he’ll be staying in the best hotel, top floor suite!
lol was gonna post same
just chopped his whole body off
Only his dick was left
Can’t read the article without registering.
The chances of accidentally falling on a Makarov bullet are never 0
What does that even mean?
Is this like, ceding the territory then?
Paywalled, but I suspect it’s in relation to a video where the governor started talking about the depth and breadth of the incursion.
Putin cuts him of and says that the military rep on the call will give that update, and that his expectation from the governor is to update on the social aspect of the situation… Something like that.
Sometimes a manager has to get a subordinate back on track when their get past their area. Had myself dialed back a time or three. Or ten.
If he had kept on about it, yeah, dial him back. But the governor said so little it was a pretty blatant call out. If Putin had let one sentence ride, voila, no Streisand effect and we wouldn’t be talking about it.
Bloomberg - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
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MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual - United States of America
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it’s such a shame that tomorrow the governor accidentally fell out of a hotel window and shot himself in the back 10 times 😢
OSHA really need to step up there game in there. Or whatever is the equivalent. All those unsafe hotel windows.
At this point, he’d be much safer surrendering to Ukraine.
Lol could you imagine Whole area becomes east Ukraine.
You’d think they’d at least offer him tea first.
Or a tasty mushroom
then it would seem that the governor was deathly allergic to tea and tragically passed from the allergic reaction 😭
Polonium allergies are more common than you think.
I hear their tea is less potent now that they get their pollonium from
What a great way to show he’s not a fascist and that it’s really the Ukrainians who are Nazis.
Giving Putin bad news or admitting to bad developments in Russia has become such an occupational hazard, that you would think that the people would just not, and then leave the country
I don’t think a lot of countries would welcome Russians who only left high ranking military positions out of cowardice.
Lots of juicy info tho.
Sorry, I couldn’t help it