slaps roof This bad boy can fit so many fuckin Worfs in it.
so many fuckin Worfs
…so it’s a party van!
Maximum Worf
Maximum Woof.
Worf factor 5
You know Dal’s gonna get a wicked mural of a Klingon fighting a sahlat on the side of the new shuttles in the next season of Prodigy.
I don’t follow prodigy can you share a pic?
Sorry Sentient, this isn’t a thing that’s happened but a thing that should. But you do have a chance to give Prodigy a go and for that I’m jelly. It a fun show that really gets the inspirational and aspirational thing about Star Trek.
A warp capable van.
I’d drive a minibus if it were warp capable.
A Warf capable van.
A worf capable fan
The Previa
Damn. She thicc…
chevy astro van
Having a van is like having an MBA. Except you’ve also got a van.
Everyone loves a man with a van. You should get a van too. We could be men with ven.
I was always a bit impressed by those shuttles. They are warp capable and apparently capable of maintaining warp speed for at least several weeks making them more of a starship themselves than just a shuttle. Not bad for something the size of a large van.
They’re cool, but the runabout is where it’s at. It’s basically a warp-capable RV. And the Danube-class has a torpedo launcher to clear up trafic jams.
so are fighters space bikes then? or mopeds?