I still have mine (need it occasionally for work, I’m tied to the work account) but I deleted the app from my phone several years ago and not having it there has really helped me not check it. I never check it. Every once in a while I’ll log in to do something for work, see that three parents from my kids’ school sent me a friend request, accept those, and then split. I’m not sure why I bother; guess I don’t want them to feel shunned but it’s not like they’ll reach me there.
I still have mine (need it occasionally for work, I’m tied to the work account) but I deleted the app from my phone several years ago and not having it there has really helped me not check it. I never check it. Every once in a while I’ll log in to do something for work, see that three parents from my kids’ school sent me a friend request, accept those, and then split. I’m not sure why I bother; guess I don’t want them to feel shunned but it’s not like they’ll reach me there.
That’s why I just deleted it. I wasn’t checking it ever, and people would be like “Hey, are you coming to the thing tonight?”
Now they just reach out to invite me instead.