Super R-Type. I was about 5 I guess.
R Type was such a good game
I just bought the 1 + 2 collection on Steam for like 5 bucks.
It’s CRAZY how many hundreds of dollars I blew on R-type as a kid and now I can play it forever for less than I’d spend in one day at the arcade.
LOVED the techno organic feel, stuff of nightmares but it felt so good to blow it all up.
Zelda Orcarina of Time!
I’ll start: my earliest memory is playing Cool Croc Twins with my big brother on his Commodore 64. I also remember watching him play Shinobi or The Last Ninja (although both games look entirely different, I can’t say with any certainty which one it was).
Dangerous Dave on DOS, must have been in the early 90ies somewhere.
Super Mario Bros. on NES
Same! The Mario and Duckhunt combo.
That’s the one we had! I still have that zapper somewhere…
Same here!
Xmas ‘85 was magical!
Same, but on Gameboy Colour
Mario Kart DS on my cousins original model Nintendo DS.
Super Mario Bros 3 on a secondhand SNES, there was this jump on the first level that I struggled with, the one with the wooden textured blocks and I had to get either my mom or my dad to help me with it hahaha
Pong on Atari 2600. But was very small. Probably pac-man in an arcade if you include those.
Why wouldn’t they include them? Those were certainly video games.
Star Wars at the video arcade.
It was something on Windows 3.1 or DOS, but I can’t say for sure which game it was. I played a lot of Microman, so it might have been that.
I fucking know, ok ?
It’s wild to have emulators so you can play them all with infinite quarters. I built a picade arcade machine just for asteroids. I love your comment.
Commodore 64 for me as well. Can’t remember which one was the first for me either. Maybe Giana Sisters or Usagi Yojimbo. We had tons of floppies with games and large printouts showing which game was where.
Nice! My big bro had the cassette for the C64, no floppy drive. Ahh… memories.
When my father got a new computer I got to have the C64 in my room, along with an old TV as a monitor, which I was only allowed to use for the computer. My brother tried to warn my parents that I would just get an antenna cable and use it to watch TV but they didn’t believe him.
Of course I did get the cable and through the way our in-house cabling worked I could also watch what my brother watched on his VCR. I really miss his BMX videos, they were great. That way I was also able to watch the Street Fighter 2 anime when I was much too young.
Good times.
For most people under 50 i would guess they cant remember / remember incorrectly. Even 40 years ago there were lots of arcade games, home game systems, and little portable game devices. So most people under 50 probably can’t remember the actual first one they played.
But you can answer the question “what’s the first video game that you remember playing?”
For me it was some atari 2600 game that a much older cousin had, i don’t remember which specific game it was.
I’m 47, and the early games for me were clear. Five year olds don’t get to play arcade machines in 1982, but they do get to play an older relative’s game and watch
And that stuff is memorable
I doubt the post iPad (maybe the post home computer) people have much chance though. 3 year olds have games made for them, though they’re in this thread, naming popular games
Some five year olds got to play arcade machines in 1982 :)
Lucky kids