I love the style and I want to see how good rdr1 is, but I know story happens after rdr2 so what do you think?
RDR1 then RDR2.
Rdr1, in my opinion, if you have an xbox 360, ps3, or Nintendo switch, or are fine with emulating. If not, just play rdr2 instead of buying hardware for a game you might not like.
I have nintendo emulator for pc it works fine
If it does, than go for the first.
I played RDR2 before RDR1 and regretted not playing RDR1 first.
I’ve only played rdr2 and I don’t regret it at all.
It didn’t age well imo
I played rdr2 first and later played rdr1. Playing 1 made me want to play 2 again, which I did and loved it even more the 2nd time rpund.
I personally don’t think playing them out of order ruins anything story wise. It’s like watching or playing a sequel as opposed to a prequel if you play 2 first.
But…whilst rdr1 still looks and plays great, playing 2 first may take some of that away, as you’ll be used to rdr2 which is just about as perfect a video game one can be. I’d therefore recommend 1 then 2.