If anyone earned their retirement, it’s Miles O’Brien. Maybe he could show up for one scene, where he lets the rest of the team know that, just like Wolverine did in First Class.
I like to think that, whatever it is that earns O’Brien that distinction, it had already happened by the end of DS9. Probably some technical wizardry he came up with while hacking together Cardassian and Federation technology. Just something he did to get the job done, but that would be fully appreciated as a genius piece of work with huge applicability sometime well after his death.
If anyone earned their retirement, it’s Miles O’Brien. Maybe he could show up for one scene, where he lets the rest of the team know that, just like Wolverine did in First Class.
I wouldn’t mind a special guest appearance of a retired Chief O’Brian building gadgets for kids in a distant colony.
But he is the canonically most important person in starfleet history!
I like to think that, whatever it is that earns O’Brien that distinction, it had already happened by the end of DS9. Probably some technical wizardry he came up with while hacking together Cardassian and Federation technology. Just something he did to get the job done, but that would be fully appreciated as a genius piece of work with huge applicability sometime well after his death.
It wouldn’t fit if he were honoured during his lifetime, true.
Lol, I’d accept that. Maybe he’s the template for future engineering holograms.
(I don’t think any incarnation of O’Brien would give up so easily; just playing off of your Wolverine clip lol)
I wondered why the hologram version of him is English. But of course it would be English, wouldn’t it?
I think star trek always needs old miles O’brien, but I’ll take him as a special guest as you proposed. or maybe recurring?