Nearly two years after Elon Musk’s acquisition, X’s business is still struggling to climb out of the deep hole it fell into under his ownership.
The $13 billion that Elon Musk borrowed to buy Twitter has turned into the worst merger-finance deal for banks since the 2008-09 financial crisis.
The seven banks involved in the deal, including Morgan Stanley and Bank of America, lent the money to the billionaire’s holding company to take the social-media platform, now named X, private in October 2022. Banks that provide loans for takeovers generally sell the debt quickly to other investors to get it off their balance sheets, making money on fees.
Morgan Stanley has another problem right now too as Their CEO is missing in that yacht sinking
We were due for our yearly billionaire offering to Poseidon.
I don’t think one is enough to placate Poseidon.
This one is extra sweet to me as Morgan Stanley stole $4k of my funds, claiming it was abandoned when they never once sent me a message, notification on their site, letter, or call. It took me several months to get it back. All the while I was unemployed and really needed that money.
I am deep in prayers so that Poseidon, Oceanus and every other sea related deity take our offerings of other billionaires and their yachts
May the god of water take mercy on us with this wealthy sacrifice and place a harvest in our nets
And hold back sea level rise!
Either that or Jörmungandr has aquired a taste for richness. As a man who likes cheesecake I can respect it.
My most requested recipe is: New York Style Cheesecake Stuffed, Chocolate covered, graham cracker rolled, strawberries.
That sounds great minus the strawberries, add more chocolate instead.
The strawberries make it a “healthy dessert.”
Bite me I want more chocolate, also if it can give me cavities it prolly aint healthy.
You probably don’t taste as good as the cheesecake and strawberries. I’ll bite them, thanks. Cheers m8 :)
If I taste as I smell then I taste like motor oil, old metal, and oranges. Which is fucken bizarre and I dont know what thatd taste like.
I like this new tradition
Sounds like he found out what’s behind the implications.
I think we’re the tasty treats!
Out in the middle of nowhere on international waters. What’s he gonna do, say no? Of course not. Because of the implication.
Thats crazy I used IDOL for a decade. Good riddance.
CEO or chairman?
Your right w chairman but honestly what’s the difference I don’t know. Chairman of the board?
Orcas are based.
Sounds like sacrificed a few billionaires this time.
I hope our watery god is satisfied, if not. I guess we have sacrifice a few more billionaires.
I think we should advertise small boat sailing to Elon, combined with the beauty of the Gibraltar strait area and the manliness of doing it alone.
We can give Poseidon a break and let the orcas have one.
Twist: The Orcas are working for Poseidon.
Yes, but delegation.
That’s why Poseidon is a god and I’m just a schlub.
Lmao nice.