I Heart Radio host Jay Weber was pulled off the air after his attack on Gov. Tim Walz's (D-MN) neurodivergent son, his website revealed on Friday. Ben Yount was filling in, the site says.Critics pressured I Heart Radio to fire Weber after he made fun of the youngster's emotional response to his fath...
I totally agree with both of you that once you see the person’s true colors, there’s no point in continuing. The point was, how can you know what the person is thinking without actually interacting and finding out their real problems? And perhaps introducing some solutions or directions that, without the labels of socialism or communism, are appealing to them.
If we paint all conservatives with the same brush, we alienate the few (or maybe not as few as we think) to never consider something different. How many times is it said that much of their information comes from just a single source like Fox News? Let’s give them something else to consider before we blast them all as hopeless. As shown, there are those who have heard the message and seen the true Trump in reality who have flipped, but they only did so because someone helped them realize their echo chamber was just that and all lies. They’d still be Trump supporters if someone didn’t open their eyes.
You’re preaching to the choir on that point. In fact I got positively roasted a while back for saying essentially the same thing.
The only thing I would say is that I was referring specifically to voters themselves; those conservative leaning non-voters that may not see themselves in the current republican party.
Incidentally, its a belief that was validated by the addition of Tim Walz to the ticket since that’s exactly what his presence is meant to do.
But once those conservatives identify as not just conservatives, but as republicans, there is very little hope in changing their mind unless they’re already predisposed to having it changed.
have you taken into account the possibility that the reason maga has become as powerful and pervasive as it has is because one of their core strategies is to paint liberals with the same brush?
“let’s not stoop to their level”
again–the let’s play nice take the high road approach is the reason this discussion is even happening.
trump is a convicted felon who also happens to be an insurrectionist. who also happens to be a rapist. who also happens to be a con man. who also happens to be fucking incomprehensibly incompetent.
are we REALLY “alienating” people who take objective verifiable real life FACTS and throw them out the window as “fake news” because that’s what trump says?
no. the time for “we should listen to their concerns” has long passed. as stupid as it is, mockery and ridicule of the wrong side is what will save this country from destruction
I understand your point, and I agree to a degree that once you find out a person is ignorant on purpose, or worse that they know the facts and embrace them, then let them have it. But I can’t see it being constructive to attack anyone before you know where they really stand, and unfortunately sometimes that takes some interaction and “good faith”. Let them dig the hole first before you bury them.
I’m just trying to avoid being a false dichotomy on the issue. People are more than a caricature of red or blue. Hell, part of the Republican plan is to make the peons fight with each other and not talk to each other, it works for them to create this image of the evil liberal.
Pick your fights. Some aren’t worth fighting. Some are.
if we were to end up in a christofascist dictatorship with trump wielding unlimited absolute power, what would you have done differently?
Talk to more people? Presuming it was a problem with voters showing up. I can’t see how me getting just a few people to vote blue instead of red or not at all is a problem leading to that scenario. Unless I miss your point.
If it’s vote stealing or another insurrection attempt, certainly that’s a looming danger, but I didn’t get that meaning from your question.
how many people have you converted so far?