I also lost all my money and had to sell my possessions, but like literally. $ 0 ( zero ) left, that’s what i understand, when i hear or say loosing all my money.
I’ve done the math. I could live my entire life without working (except for fun) on $6 million. This MF has $225 million and describes it as losing all his money.
Jeez, the poor guy… only $225 mill… how do you go on living when you’ve sunk that low? /s
That’s not even 3 yachts!
Won’t someone think of the poor starving yacht builders!
I also lost all my money and had to sell my possessions, but like literally. $ 0 ( zero ) left, that’s what i understand, when i hear or say loosing all my money.
Foley should eat a bag of foul foley.
I’ve done the math. I could live my entire life without working (except for fun) on $6 million. This MF has $225 million and describes it as losing all his money.
Fuck that guy.
Yeah but his car doors go like that, not like this.
You could live comfortably on the interest alone on $6 million, even with just a 1% AER you’d be getting $5k gross per month.
So yeah, fuck that guy.
Exactly. Although you can conservatively invest like, two thirds of it, and live much more extravagantly than $5k per month and still never run out.
For sure, not financial advice but more of an indication of the absurd amount of money $200+ million is.