If you deviate from the norm, don’t expect the majority to tip-toe around your sensibilities.
My partner, 6am without fail.
There’s a sleep disorder, diurnal, common for people with adhd. Their brains don’t wake up, start functioning til 6pm, wide awake all night.
I’m so careful, courteous at night, super quiet, walking softly… then 6am, morning people wake, stomping, slamming, music blasting. So not fair.
Morning people, in my experience at least, firmly believe that night people are just morning people with insufficient self-discipline.
Lmao, 100%. I swear most folks I know believe being a night owl is simply a lack of self control, or they have a screw loose
sure it’s a lack of self control, if i had better self control i could force myself to go to bed at 21:00 and lie there for 2 hours until i fall asleep out of tortured boredom, and then i could force myself out of bed at 07:00 despite my limbs feeling like lead and every movement bringing me abject misery and pain!
Then there’s my fucking cunt of a housemate who lkves on the floor above me that’s the loudest mother fucker on the face of the earth and fucking stomps around until 1am every night and opens and slams close every fucking draw and door in his room, and re arrnafes his furniture every night, then gets up at 6.30 in the morning so he can stomp around some more, hack up his lungs as loudly as humanly possible and slam every door in the fucking house before leaving for work exactly when my alarm goes off, specifically so I can’t have a single good night sleep ever.
Sorry I may have some pent up anger.
I could have written this. I feel your pain.