The right wing in my mom’s town passed a measure to close one of the fire stations (to lower taxes).
Turns out if the fire response times go above a certain threshold, your homeowners insurance goes up by a lot more than the tax cut (I think it saved a couple hundred dollars a year, and added a couple hundred dollars a month to most home insurance in 1/3 of the town).
Once 1/3 of the town realized it, the measures was repealed before the shutdown could happen.
If you like Firefighters your a SOCIALIST LIBTARD WHO HATES AMERICA!
The right wing in my mom’s town passed a measure to close one of the fire stations (to lower taxes).
Turns out if the fire response times go above a certain threshold, your homeowners insurance goes up by a lot more than the tax cut (I think it saved a couple hundred dollars a year, and added a couple hundred dollars a month to most home insurance in 1/3 of the town).
Once 1/3 of the town realized it, the measures was repealed before the shutdown could happen.