Picture shows a pride parade. A group of people are carrying a banner that says “LOCKHEED MARTIN” over a rainbow graphic.

  • Malek061@lemmy.world
    15 days ago

    So you get to call for people’s deaths you disagree with? Seems like you enjoy an authoritarian hellscape. I treated you with dignity and respect. I disagreed with you and tried to argue my point, but you don’t seem to respect my value as a human and you called for my extermination over a disagreement. How can you have such a flawed value system. You don’t value life at all if you’re so quick to call for death of people you disagree with.

    Please see the attached graph showing the reduction of poverty under american hegemony thanks to american defense keeping trade open and no large state on state conflicts. Global birth rates have also been increasing rapidly. Thanks Lockheed martin for maintaining the peace.