No clue why the downvotes, you’re correct. The man was a well known philanthropist who strongly believed in taxation even as a rich man. He took this deal partially, as he stated, in order to pay income taxes on the profit supporting his country better. He’s a well respected man in his country known for advocating for disabled peoples rights and funding for better support.
I think this goes deeper. The reason why the guy had it in his contract to keep him on the payroll was so that he could pay taxes.
He wanted to pay the most amount of taxes possible.
No clue why the downvotes, you’re correct. The man was a well known philanthropist who strongly believed in taxation even as a rich man. He took this deal partially, as he stated, in order to pay income taxes on the profit supporting his country better. He’s a well respected man in his country known for advocating for disabled peoples rights and funding for better support.
Eh I don’t get it either.
The guy is literally the Chad we all need in life.
Yeah he was Iceland’s man of the year once. Basically a saint.