Back in the day, I think it was Logitech or similar who redesigned a PlayStation controller with some minor ergonomic tweaks. It was a masterpiece. This was back in maybe PS2/PS3 era.
Sounds see if any modern versions exist. I’m still a Sony controller purist, having never really fallen in love with Xbox like so many others.
I think I still have one of those. It was Logitech. I thought it was good unless I wanted to use the thumbsticks or triggers. I always thought the Sony design of putting the thumbsticks down in the lower-middle was really awkward, and for some reason, using the triggers on the Logitech controller sometimes felt a bit painful.
To be specific, the Xbox One Elite controller. I really liked the Series 2 but it fell apart on me. I never had much issue with the original. I’m a glutton for punishment though, and I’d get another Series 2. I don’t mind working on them so it isn’t the biggest deal
I really love the Switch Pro controller, but I wish it had analog triggers. I also have love for the GameCube controller. I am at home with the N64 controller, but I can’t say it’s a favorite
It’s probably because I have bias, but I’ve never cared for any of Sony’s offerings. Something about the sticks doesn’t feel right with both being at the bottom
I grew up with the PS Dualshock and Dualshock 2 controllers. They were all I ever knew as a kid. But, I absolutely prefer the XBox layout now as well. Something about it just works better for me. On the other hand, my wife also only knew PS growing up and she just can’t get used to the XBox layout.
I can switch between any controller and not think about it. My poor partner has to try to keep up with what console or PC and controllers we are using
Same thing for me. I switch effortlessly and she really struggles with it.
I think I saw this idea somewhere. Make pictures of the button layouts and put which ever you are using next to or under the TV where she can see it so she doesn’t have to keep looking down
She almost never games and it’s always with a PS controller. So no need for that usually, but I’ll definitely keep that in mind.
The only one i still have issues with is going from xbox to nintendo controllers, because they use the same abxy face buttons, but they switched them around.
I like what switch games do when you’re using a single joy-con, they just show a button with an arrow pointing to which direction the button is, so what’s printed on the button doesn’t matter at all.
I’ve actually started using the Japanese style for PS controllers. O for okay, and X for no. I’ve only succeeded in fucking myself up since majority of my shit is American. I have a tablet and a DS4 at the moment, and it is getting me by
My series 1 ended up developing a pretty bad flaw with the input chip and is dead-dead. It also developed a sticky X button right away, which I could repair but went back to not being perfect. The Series 2 has been more reliable, but I also use it less.
Generally speaking, any xbox one or later generation controller. Theyre all relatively the same.
Real shit though, Xbox The Duke is my favorite
The Duke was so good!
Big handed bastard
i miss the black and white buttons from the mini xbox controller days. still feel like 4 buttons is not enough on the right pad, especially considering how often games use L3/R3 joystick click which i fucking loathe.
Get a controller with underside buttons. I also consider stick-clicks an abomination, but it’s great now that there are under-buttons we can hard-remap to L3 and R3.
8BitDo Ultimate Bluetooth controller has some awful ergonomics on several things, but the underbuttons are excellent examples.
Ducky One 3 TKL + Logitech G305 or the 8BitDo Pro 2, depending on the genre.
Mouse and keyboard, optionally a Xbox Controller or similar.
But my least liked one? Probably any PlayStation one, I hate them all.
The PS5 controller is pretty sweet.
But the PS1 Dualshock is the original version of that, and has influenced basically everything since. It’s the Ocarina of Time of controllers.
That second analogue stick fixed everything to do with cameras in early 3D games.
For VR it’s the Oculus Touch. Takes everything about the classic Dualshock design and adds hand tracking.
Index controllers for VR.
Playstation DS4 for flatscreen desktop.
8bitdo Pro 2 is very versatile, I’m curious about the Ultimate. I love my SteamController for modern games.
When I played games on my PC I ended up spending more time configuring my Steam controller than I did playing the game.
A classic example of perfect being the enemy of good.
SC is more of a brother to grow up with than a controller
Steam deck’s controls hands down if that counts. If not, surprisingly I’d have to say my stadia controller. Got one for $20 and it’s fantastic.
I wonder how much the Deck translates to the Steam Controller. I haven’t had enough time with a Deck
deck is mostly more input options (right stick, d-pad, 4 back buttons instead of 2).
the biggest difference is the placement of the touchpads imho, as i cant use both shoulder buttons and the touchpad on a side without adjusting my grip, but that only mattered in shooters for which i use flickstick on the deck and not the right touchpad.
Oh, I like all of those changes except adjusting grip. I’m not familiar with flipstick. I went from tiger claw, to bumper jumper, to all paddles
I have this problem where my thumbs are naturally oily and touchpads arent always super responsive. The best fix I’ve found is gloves with the (conductive?) material. Do you know if the Deck uses the same type of touchpads as the controller? I also had issues with the New 3DSXL nub
the touchpads atleast feel like the ones on the steam controller.
flickstick is a control scheme where your stick only controls the camera horizontaly, so if you push the stick down you’ll spin 180° if you push it to the right you’ll turn until your character faces to the right and so forth.
At the moment, my PS5 controller connected to my Linux PC via USB-C. It has perfect support due to official in kernel drivers from Sony and very little lag when used via USB-C.
I’m switching to Linux when I get set up again. Fuck the Recall bull shit. Straw that broke the camels back. I had not considered controller drivers. Is Xbox One over Bluetooth a thing, or will I need to go with Sony?
The XBOX One controller should be fully bluetooth hid compliant and it should work out of the box for at least all the buttons and axis. There are userspace and kernel drivers for the XBOX controller too (xpad and xboxdrv) but I don’t have much experience with them or with bluetooth controller in general.
Good to know, thank you for the info!
I haven’t tried everything out there, but so far nothing I’ve tried is true perfection. The controller I use as daily driver for my PC is an Xbox 360 controller, which I find extremely nice - except for the D-pad. It also lacks the fancy tricks of the PS5 controller - a controller I Iike less for ergonomics but love for stuff like haptic feedback.
Logitech RumblePad 2 for the PC.
Basically a knockoff clone of the PlayStation 2 controller for the PC, from around 2008 or so I think.
Still mostly works somehow, except the mode swap button. I don’t even need that button anyways.
I picked up a Gamesir x2 recently and it really ticks all but one of the boxes for me. It’s a liiiiittle too big to carry around in a pocket, and a liiiittle too small if you’ve got bigger hands, but its still great at what it does.
+1 for the Gamesir, completely dropped sitting at my desktop. Now my main screen is for shows and the secondary is for game streaming through SteamLink.
I grabbed the X2 because it seemed the most compact without sacrificing triggers or joysticks, but I now think the G8 would have been a better choice with the larger grip
Yeah I’m thinking the same. The X2 was my pick because I wanted something the size of a DS, but its just a little too big for that. I’ll be picking up a g8 to replace it later since it seems like a better fit for using around the house.
Xbox series X Elite controllers. I’ll never go back. They have a good weight and feel.
Sorta on topic, what do people use for N64 emulation? I can’t find a 6 button controller that I like.
I’ll controversially say that I really love the Steam controller. Not the steam deck (which is honestly my number 1 if we’re including handhelds) but the original controller intended for use with the steam link device.
It really just needs a right analog stick and it would be great. The lack of one takes it from 10/10 to like a 7/10. It’s so good otherwise, great weight and size, good design. Sensible layout and the big track pads work really well! It was clearly a prototype for how the Deck layout ended up, though I actually like the controller’s big circular pads more than the decks little square ones.
I’m a steam controller simp. I’ve got 7 of them and will use them until they all crap out or they release a new version
The steam controller is absolutely my favorite shape and feel for the controller.
The one big flaw is the plastic bumper mechanism that has broken on 3 of my units, 1 I was able to send back, 1 replaced with PETG 3D printed part which is less clicky, but more durable, and 1 still intact.
Still, I have exclusively used those for years when not playing on Switch
The steam deck honestly is my favorite controller. If valve releases a controller that’s the steam deck without a screen I’ll be first in line and I’ll take two please.