Wen Rogan? The guy could be absolutely dumb enough to just be falling for the disinformation, but he sure does parrot a lot of Kremlin talking points.
Yeah there are very few American commentators I’d actually believe are Russian assets except for Tucker Carlson, who has had a pattern of supporting not just authoritarian Russian policy but authoritarian China policy dating even back to his Fox News show (I believe Russia and China are allies)
Preparing to? Just do it.
The already did. The story was updated. Happened right after the story was posted.
Russia? Meddling in our elections?
No way.
- Some republican, in sincerity.
Now do Israel
What about ourselves? We interfere in elections all the time. We basically installed Zelensky ourselves if I understand the situation correctly.
America has also interfered with Russian elections. It depends on what you consider good and bad. I would consider a dictator like Putin bad and someone like Zelenski to have the interests of the people at heart. I would say that Russia had a puppet government in Ukraine before Zelenski and probably interfered with their elections as well.
I don’t think we should interfere in anyone else’s elections, and until we stop, we have no right to complain when other people do it to us.
I have every right to complain about it because the government did whatever they did without my knowledge or consent.
Now throw Musk in.
I will need to look more into what is happening but the timing of things are starring to look very strange…Signal’s CEO getting arrested and now Tim Pool getting labeled a Russian asset after he decides to sue Kamala Harris for defamation…hmm…
Tim pool is a moron and his lawsuit is going nowhere. It’s obvious there was no defamation in their tweet. Hell, kamala’s defense could simply be “we were talking about Laura”.
If they said that they’d be lying. Her campaign’s post uses the word “their”, insinuating that it’s referring to both Tim and Laura, and most of the clip has Tim Pool saying Democrats who’ve committed crimes should go to jail (NOT Democrats who oppose Trump should go to jail), and excludes the fact that Tim STRONGLY disagreed with Laura saying that those Democrats mentioned should be executed, to the point of shutting down the episode immediately, publicly condemning the statements multiple times, and insinuating that she is banned from coming back on the show ever again.
The tweet literally says “jail and execute” which were the two things brought up in the clip. I don’t care that Tim condemned what Laura said, he gets pissy because he gets demonetized when people do that. He still said they should be jailed so the tweet is accurate.
H’ot tub
L’otters are not afraid
I assumed everyone assumed it was just ongoing.
I guess there is a difference between “it’s known to happen” and “a nation state accuses another nation state”
About 3 years ago, Milquetoast had a chance to charge their biggest agent after he attempted to overthrow our government.
And here we are.
U.S. says Russian bots, RT operatives sought to interfere in U.S.
Since when is this news? Hasn’t this been on-going for at least the better part of the last decade?
notice if I post on political toots I get a few zero follower accounts following me. never follow back but odd. not really paranoid so not really after me? meh
her emails, his laptop. somethings gotta stick. lets see what djt thinks</sarcasm>