This swerves way into “ADHD is a superpower” territory which is bullshit.
edit: For example, while I have a lot of these traits, I also can’t remember to put a new trash bag in the trash bin when I take the full bag out to the garage, which is a 1 minute task. Despite reminding myself AS I’m removing the full bag. Twice a week. For years now. Because I will see something in the garage or think of something while doing the mundane task that completely derails my train of thought.
I do similar things when a task has two physically separate locations like taking out the trash.
While walking out with the trash I will repeat constantly “put in new bag” all the way to the garbage and all the way back, otherwise the task doesn’t get completed.
I would be lying if I said I hadn’t done the same thing. “New bag new bag new bag new ba… hey why did I leave that camp chair over there. Man I miss camping. Well trash is done, back to the computer!”
I put a new bag in before I leave the room to avoid that. Not ADHD just a terrible memory. Bag is in plain sight so it’s hard to forget the task between steps.
Not saying this will work for you, but I’ve had some success with convincing my self conscious to do things without me thinking. Then I can shut down the thinking part of my brain for periods of time in between tasks. I’ve done this through meditation since I was a kid. It has helped me to “just know” what needs to be done and I do it.
The simplehuman line of trash cans has a step that keeps the internal trash can liner out of the trash can so you can easily see that you didn’t replace the bag. It’s very helpful for this.
I cannot read this sentence. I have tried 3 times but nothing is reaching my brain.
It’s definitely too long of a sentence just to say ‘ADHD is a superpower and society is bad.’
Me nodding in somber agreement. And yet, at the same time, also reaching for the trap-door lever. you tried and that’s what matters.
Maybe it’s time to put on some tunes and take a brain break.
Are there things we can do to take advantage of this? Even on my meds I struggle to write my documentation, but the initial period of trying to find a solution and making a working POC is so great
Spend weeks automating your documentation
You will surely not regret spending that much time on something that probably wont be used
I am generating markdown tables with a Json file and a GitHub action that builds a markdown table for me lol I just learned today that I have to upskill on QA more and lead some organizational change. Reading tense technical manuals on testing is my nightmare
Assign it as a research collection task to a junior dev and forget to follow up.
(Fr tho, auto doc frameworks and related instrumentation are easily worth weeks. I will fight your manager.)
ADHD, great for exploring, hunting and making it back home. Not so great for cubicle work…
I’ve made it work surprisingly well in software development - I work in the architecture field and as long as I’m truly diligent about note taking (or am lucky enough to have a trusted coworker to lean on) I’m able to make it work.
Also, micromanagers are your fucking bane if you have ADHD - sometimes I’m not working, I accept that and do house shit when I can’t focus… I still produce more output than most of my coworkers but I absolutely do need full brain breaks.
But what can you actually DO?
Try starting with not blaming muslims for all of your problems
I didn’t
There are so many more comments you made about muslims and inhumanised gazans but I’m not sharing each of them cause I just noticed your account is a day old. So yeah don’t reply to me troll.
I was gonna ask this too. I’ve heard that some employers in the UK (perhaps in the Netherlands too) are actually explicitly asking for ND people in their job listings.
I heard (but haven’t actually checked because squirrel) GCHQ in the UK were actively recruiting ND people.
What’s GCHQ?
Govt Communications Headquarters. One of the branches of military intelligence in the UK.
They always have done this, even before there was a wider understanding / acceptance of neurodiversity (e.g. at Bletchley Park)
yeah. Turns out the economy is fake. who knew?
I know you’re (at least partially) joking but wtf are you talking about?
Which comment are you referring to?
Yours, about the economy being fake.
Hmmm. Idk. on my screen it looks like some comments have vanished and i can’t remember what was there. maybe an overzealous mod?
Nothing has been removed
One girl at the same time.
Anything that is more about talking to different parties rather than documenting and being the one to deliver. the more specialised people the better you connect, the bwtter. They will love your ability to see the patterns of the work place, your helicopter perspective. That will help them to test their ideas, to understand the concepts and what their task is all about. They will also love that you will not micro manage (as long as you dont end up hyperfocusing on their topic) and let them do their thing.
Don’t be the specialist. Don’t be the one that tries to have an eye on all the details, all the numbers. I tried to be an accountant for a while…
Ooh this is good. Yes I can see my ability to absorb wikipedia coming in useful here.
How do you think I should prepare myself for a role like this qualification-wise? I’m interested in STEM but the thought of picking one niche (say, chemical engineering) and devoting myself to it really hurts.
But you don’t understand, Mr… Sandbag Tiara, was it? Can I call you Sandbag?
Sandbag, what we’re really looking for in this position is someone who’s really a people person, you know? Somebody who’s a team player, ready to go the extra mile, fit in with our company culture because we’re a “”“”“family”“”“” here. Really shine in our three pointless but mandatory department-wide meetings per day, smile on demand, have a very firm handshake, and really help us close those KPI numbers.
The job in question is a backend software dev position, where the employee will theoretically never have to interact with anyone except their immediate boss, and has no reason whatsoever to emerge from their dungeon. But never mind that.
makes me want to break out the old suspenders and palm pilot.
childrenIT professionals yearn for theminesbasement… the cool, dark basement with soft lighting…Software development is very collaborative and often involves daily and/or weekly meetings and frequent calls with coworkers.
I develop software for a huge company that everyone has heard of, and work by myself on my own projects with no collaboration required and incredibly small amount of oversight. I get to do it my way. Living the dream.
Many of my friends work in the scenario you described and do not like the whole collaboration thing!
It’s kinda both
If anybody here is an engineer, I’d highly recommend applying for jobs at tech startups. It’s very chaotic and disorganized; you’ll be constantly putting out fires. But you know where you’re at when you’re putting out fires? Flow state.
This went from engaging to utter burnout and misery very quickly for me.
It’s so true, but i also get tired and burn out fast
The problem is that they are horrifically toxic places.
I struggled with this most of my life without knowing why, always feeling like I never measured up. Since being diagnosed and treated at 47 it made a huge difference. I set reasonable boundaries at work and I’m blessed with a sympathetic manager. He gives me tasks that allows me to play to my strengths and make a positive difference in the workplace.
Those traits gave me two things in my IT contracting career, the ability to roll into a new position at the same contractor so I didn’t have to job hunt, and the contractor wanting nothing to do with bringing me in as a full time employee. I saw it as a win/win
This description sounds extremely hirable. I’ll take 5 please.
You can have 4, they’ll do the work of 7. But the 5th hire has to be a maid/cook.
We need to start a company
It seems we’ve been taught strict expectations about “functioning.” When a machine doesn’t get the resources it needs to do its function, it does not function, and it is not expected to function, if the mechanics are understood. We know a lot about what people need (still more to discover) but we’re expected to “function” without having our needs met.
“it’s not a superpower! i cant even do a boring and monotonous task!”
“I love that I found a place where I’m able to utilize the benefits of the way that my brain functions!”🤔
It’s a super power in the same way that being able to mentally move yourself while not being affected by gravity is a super power. In specific circumstances it’s awesome. The rest of the time you’re just trying to not float away.
You mean my heat vision is not appropriate in all situations?!
Don’t post that publicly! We’re getting to convince the normies we don’t have super powers. Although I must say I do enjoy this invisibility thing.
To put a finer point on it: OG Quicksilver (don’t even get me started on the historic Marvel v DC handjobbery) ended up so “super powered” that his inborn celerity transcended the very laws of physics — having little to no frictional effect on the reality he was moving through. Thus, much like Jean Grey, Magneto, Legion, and a few others, his powers were not only beyond “super”, but recognized as equal parts boon and curse to the entire species. Thanks, 90s.
Employers wants slaves and servants, not mentats. Yes, its fucked up
Where are these high functioning ADHD people? The adhd person I know I’m my life can’t really get things done in a reliable way.
It’s an interesting juxtaposition. I did politics and governance in Afghanistan and was extremely knowledgeable about it. But remembering to shave every morning was hard. I’d come back from lunch and my sergeant would be like, “great work, now when’s the last time you washed your coffee cup? Did you remember to empty your desk trash last night?”
To be fair, I also have a TBI and nobody’s sure how much of this is TBI and how much is ADHD.
Hello it’s me, high functioning non medicated adhd (or some form of) person.
I do extremely well in my tech-centric job because of exactly what the post is talking about. I do fall short on longer term projects (forget about them until last minute) but most of my job is more in the moment, which works well for me and my skillset.
Edit: I guess that’s ultimately the thing right, it’s possible for the work or job to fit with an ADHD mind, but many jobs do not.
Imagine being a Financial Auditor / Accountant with ADHD.
I’m willing to bet they don’t exist.
Just thinking about that makes my dopamine receptors shrivel up.
“Forensic Accountant” could work?
I do work with numbers a fair bit, excel helps a lot with keeping it all organized… ish
I can tell you that it’s it’s very difficult when operating within a stable, established framework.
But working on a revamp / redevelopment of a system or solving novel problems definitely engages the gears.
I did alright for a while. Changing up clients worked when I started to get bored.
It’s not going so great now. Considering a career change but also not wanting to throw away years of experience and a professional license. But yeah, I’m at “this is all bullshit and I don’t wanna”.
Also work in finance and feel similarly, I oddly would feel really bad about leaving though, I have a wealth of intimate knowledge of how our systems work and answers for oddball questions no one else at my level at least would know, so… I feel guilty even wanting to leave. I know it’s not good but… Can’t help it lol
Me. Am engineer. Make great money essentially being empowered to ask why the work people are doing exists. Not necessarily to automate it either. Lot of what I do these days is process simplification. Turns out having someone who thinks meanial tasks are bullshit is a fantastic skill in my field.