Historically the US have been a safe flace for the jewish community fleeing inquisition, nazism etc. That means that there is a really big jewish community in the US, which makes.it recognizing palestine an unpopular politic choice.
Hi, jewish american here. I recognize Palistine, and I have a hard time understanding why “safe for jews” and “recognizing palistine” are mutually exclusive. Could you elaborate on that? Just so you know any answer involving Isreal I’m just going to call antisemetic since conflating jews and Isreal is antisemitic in the same way conflating China and chinese people is racist.
Historically the US have been a safe flace for the jewish community fleeing inquisition, nazism etc. That means that there is a really big jewish community in the US, which makes.it recognizing palestine an unpopular politic choice.
How so?
Other then the fact that its the state religion of Israel and the supposed location of some “promised” land.
What do jews in the rest of the world have to do with it.
Surely any decent human being regardless of cultural background understands that bombing schools and hospitals isn’t very neighborly.
Jewish people have no problems with the recognition of Palestine.
Hi, jewish american here. I recognize Palistine, and I have a hard time understanding why “safe for jews” and “recognizing palistine” are mutually exclusive. Could you elaborate on that? Just so you know any answer involving Isreal I’m just going to call antisemetic since conflating jews and Isreal is antisemitic in the same way conflating China and chinese people is racist.
Jewish americans make up 2% of the population though?
I sure wan’t expecting this.