One of my grandmothers never wanted to help because she died before I was born.
If your grandparents died in a war I guess you can go double fuck yourself as well thanks republicans.
Well maybe she wanted to but just couldn’t??
What is it with old people these days? Just lazing about and sipping lattes, probably.
And avocado toast!
My parents are the reason it’s irresponsible to suggest that I should have a child.
We need a t-shirt that says this.
Need abbreviation
“My parents are the reason I shouldn’t have children”
Let me say what we’re all thinking: If you make having kids affordable, more people will have kids. If you make having kids safer, more people will have kids. These are the things these idiots don’t want to acknowledge.
What I always find crazy is the cost of pre-natal, delivery and post-partum healthcare in the US. Barely any politician talks about it and no parents seem to talk about it until slapped in the face with the hospital bill. Even with insurance it’s on average a US$2800 downpayment…
If the US wants more babies, I think fixing this is a good start. Hilariously, a budgeting post on the cost in Canada says it’s CA$10-15k but that is the total expected amount to raise a child all the way to 18 years old, which is in stark contrast to the US one looking 3 months ahead at best.
I’m sorry but is this logic in my right wing politics? Get the fuck out of here.
I AGREE! The LAST thing I want when I leave my Children ALONE with a Stranger is for that Stranger to be Qualified to handle Kids!
Okay. Good.
- lot of my coworkers parents won’t help raise grand kids or even baby sit.
- my father is not going near my kids. Not even telling they exist.
- moms working for another 10 Years if she lives that long
- mom lives basically other side of country.
- my living grandmother is bless her soul about mad as a hatter and I don’t like wild cards.
So no grand parents can’t help save me 2-3k a month in babysitting fees for 2 kids. Thanks capitalism.
Have you considered being a foster parent and get paid to have a live in babysitter?
All my grandparents all died by the time I was 15…
Maybe he thinks everybody is like one of my high school classmates who bragged of being a grandfather at the ripe old age of 40…
What 40 year old grandfather isn’t working though?
The trailer-park methheads who have meth’ed their way right onto disability.
You know, the type of person you want your kids around for 8 hours a day, right?
Hahaha so proud to do the painful thing of having sex with opposite gender and your kids did the same! Such a trial.
This is peak conservative problem solving. They rave about about “the elite democrats” when in fact they’re the elite; they have enough money to where childcare is a non-issue. So when thinking about the problem the idea that parents can’t afford the same care is a foreign concept. Thus, their problem solving is limited to knee-jerk comments like “shrug… maybe grandparents could do it?”
My wife and I have 2 grandparents between us, they live in different states, and both are still working with bleak retirement plans.
Conservatives: “The solution is simple. Bootstraps. Now quit yer bitchin’ and get back to work!”
In the Republican brain we’re all white, own our own home, live in a nuclear family with grandma and grandpa living down the street.
Oh, let’s do more.
JD Vance’s solution to depression? “Maybe smile more”
JD Vance’s solution to cancer? “Maybe eat better”
JD Vance’s solution to poverty? “Maybe get another job”
JD Vance’s solution to homelessness? “Maybe move in with your parents”
JD Vance’s solution to teen pregnancy? “Maybe try a pull-out.”
“Maybe try fucking a couch”
That was the joke.
Ah. Missed the subtle double-entendre.
I will admit, it took me a second to get the joke.
JD Vance’s solution to school shootings? They’re just a fact of life. Harden your schools and add armed guards and sniper nests.
“Maybe Grandma and Grandma still work,” said author Jacie Floyd on the social media platform X. “Maybe Grandma and Grandpa have health issues. Maybe Grandma and Grandpa live 1,000 miles away. Maybe Grandma and Grandpa don’t want to. The [Republican Party] shouldn’t be planning Grandma and Grandpa’s retirement for them.”
Actually, the Republican party are actively trying to keep Grandma and Grandpa from retiring by pushing the retirement age up towards the average American life expectancy while Republican health care policies are pushing that average further and further down. Sorry, JD, Grandma and Grandpa are being worked to death and can’t really help out.
JD is an imbecile, BUT I don’t think he’s entirely off of base here. Grandparents (and other extended family members) have historically been very involved in the raising of young children. “It takes a village” after all. In my experience we’ve lost much of that familial help and it would be a huge benefit to get some of it back.
However, I don’t think Grandma/Grandpa are the ONLY solution to the childcare crisis and that’s where I disagree with JD/republicans.
He’s not wrong, but that’s why it’s laughable. It’s so fucking obvious that it literally does not need to be said.
“Oh gee, why didn’t I think to ask for a favor from people close to me?”
D is an imbecile, BUT I don’t think he’s entirely off of base here. Grandparents (and other extended family members) have historically been very involved in the raising of young children.
First, my children are not my parents’, siblings’, or friends’ responsibility. Just like their kids aren’t mine.
Second, in an age where people are continuing to work even beyond retirement (either by choice or need), these people all likely have work and family responsibilities of their own. And even if they don’t, what if they simply just don’t want the burden of taking your child for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week? I know plenty of grandparents who like the idea of the kids coming by on the weekend where they can load them up with sugar and send them home, and who’s opinion is that of “Hey, I raised my kids. My job is done. It’s your turn now.”, and do not want the day-to-day responsibilites of child care.
What about those who have no family? Maybe their parents have died. Or maybe they’re too old to keep up with the day to day responsibilites? Or your family are simply not the type of people you want your children to be around? What if they live too far away to make childcare a viable option?
Are they also supposed to be responsible for feeding and transporting your child around (to and from school, for example) for free?
Your position just defends the GOP take on the matter that poor people should just rely on these resources as if they’re available to everybody without issues, and that family members are all well-adjusted members of society who will gladly essentially take on the full time job of child care worker for free because they have no responsibilities of their own. Look at it this way. If these people have parents, siblings, and friends available to them and they’re not using them for child care, there’s probably a reason for that. Because I can guaran-fucking-tee you they looked into it.
What if you do not trust grandma to be your children’s primary caregiver? This is part of the reason I chose to not have kids. I knew I could not afford childcare. My mother would happily do it for free, but she is batshit crazy and unpredictable. I would not want her to have unsupervised access to my hypothetical children for 8+ hours a day, 5 days a week.
While my parents aren’t bad, they’re just products of their environment that doesn’t teach or encourage critical thinking and being honest to one’s self. They are also bad with communication. They don’t have an iota of self-reflection or even if they do, they do not even attempt to change. But even if they change, it’s too late. My parents said and taught me a lot of things when I was growing up, which in hindsight doesn’t make sense and negatively affected my formative years.
My parents said they’ll be happy to take care of my would-be children; but I gave a disgusted no face and I reckon my parents did not even get the hint.
As a grandparent maybe JD wants to fuck right off?
What, you don’t want to work for free until you die? How unamerican!
The ironic thing is my wife is currently watching one grandkid this weekend as our son and his wife are heading to Atlanta to watch the Falcons and the Steelers play on Sunday.
They do, but unfortunately, they’re radicalized nutjobs, so they aren’t much of an option now…