Is this the same guy who wrote a big op ed about how the democrats should run Mitt Romney?
Kinda over this dude.
It is, but he’s also known for not using social media at all which I’m sure makes him the right person to have an opinion we should listen to.
I was over him with the West Wing his masturbatory fantasy that you can actually convince conservatives of things using logic, reason, and evidence.
I swear the last 20 fucking years of worthless “gotta reach across the aisle” shit from Democrats is from that stupid fucking show.
How was it worthless before it became the Trump party? His writing is my jam, whether it has substance or not
This movie is pretty well made:
Stare Into the Lights My Pretties
A documentary about the world of screens we are immersed in. How did we get here? Who benefits? What are the cumulative impacts on people, society and the environment? What may come next and is it what we want?
Sounds like something I should watch on a screen!
There is no dark side of
the moonFacebook, really—matter of fact it’s all dark.The only thing that makes it look light is
the sunInstagram, then?
That looks awesome
There’s a light side?
Some good has come out of social media. I’ve seen people get reconnected with long lost family or friends, organize actual necessary protests, and the local buy nothing groups are great for reducing waste.
Facebook 15 years ago wasn’t all that bad tbh. It was nice being able to write to just about anyone you met in real life.
It’d already been getting worse for a while, but to me, the 2016 US election was when things got super obvious. Same with reddit. Can’t believe it’s been 8 years already.