Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 4 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Exactly, the moment to replace him was from the get-go. Now we’re logistically in too deep without splitting the entire party and essentially just handing the win to Trump. (Thanks so much DNC, it’s totally clear you know better than the voters in your own party. /s)

    I blame ineffectual Democrats who are more concerned with their power inside their own party for the rise of fascism as much as the fascists themselves, because their fucking buffoonery and chicanery literally enable the fascist Republican crime spree.

    I mean fuck, look how long they carted out Dianne Feinstein pretending she was still a functional human being instead of just running anyone the fuck else.

  • System Shock 2 is begging for a remake with actually functioning netcode for multiplayer way more than the original.

    Bioshock would eventually iterate on this, but the RPG systems of System Shock 2 are so, so deep, and I always appreciated that you could still get attacked by enemies while trying to hack machines. It made doing things like hacking feel very dangerous. Bioshock literally pauses time for you it’s so weak by comparison.

  • Counterpoint:

    I live in a smaller, but still relatively big, city in the Northwest. Similar vibe to Portland but smaller.

    I searched and counted a total of 6 venues that use Live Nation.

    (To be fair, it had more listed, but a couple have been closed since before COVID so Live Nation isn’t exactly updating this list regularly. At least one of these venues has changed hands of ownership a few times in that time, so are they still contracted with Live Nation? Who the fuck knows, I’d have to ask in person to know for sure.)

    Other than a Performing Arts Center, basically all of them have much weaker attendance for their shows than pretty much any other venue that isn’t associated with Live Nation.

    Literally, I can count, off the top of my head, more venues that don’t have agreements with Live Nation. All these venues get tons of locals showing up, partially because of how cheap the shows are. We also still have a handful of weird houses that do punk shows.

    Also, some of these Live Nation places are literally just fucking Old People places, like the local Elk’s Lodge. Nobody is doing wild concerts at the fucking Elk’s Lodge.

    Live Nation can have a presence in your area and the local music scene can still be thriving outside of it.

    Portland isn’t the only city that still has a vibrant local music scene, with or without Live Nation.

  • provides more security than windows.


    Yeah, if you have a fucking clue what you’re doing which most casual users don’t. (That includes me.)

    The only significant advantage it has security-wise over Windows is not defaulting to an admin/root account and instead requiring an elevation of privileges.

    …but even modern Windows does the same now.

    Exploits exist for Linux and other open source products, corporations with Linux servers and GNU utilities get hacked… I mean fuck just go look at all the CVE’s, they don’t make them for nothing.