Same here, my Note9 just doesn’t want to give up after 5 years and 2 screen replacements. No wonder it’s LTT’s daily driver – the best Galaxy ever created. I would’ve moved to Sony a while ago… if not for the damn stylus!
My previous phone was an S10e. When it broke I got another S10e, second hand. I still keep it around as a work phone. I’m using a Pixel 7 with Graphene now. Not perfect, i honestly don’t love the crappy fingerprint reader, but eh. I appreciate the privacy and the extra control.
I haven’t bought a new phone because I refuse to give up my S10’s removable storage. Won’t do it. Runnin this fucker til the wheels come off.
Same here, my Note9 just doesn’t want to give up after 5 years and 2 screen replacements. No wonder it’s LTT’s daily driver – the best Galaxy ever created. I would’ve moved to Sony a while ago… if not for the damn stylus!
My previous phone was an S10e. When it broke I got another S10e, second hand. I still keep it around as a work phone. I’m using a Pixel 7 with Graphene now. Not perfect, i honestly don’t love the crappy fingerprint reader, but eh. I appreciate the privacy and the extra control.
There are current gen phones that have an sd card slot
but do they ave a headphone jack too?
Yes, for example some oneplus phones have an sd card slot and headphone jack
Does your phone receive security updates?
after not getting them for about a year and a half, got a suprise security update this past august outta the blue
Sony phones