I’m currently suffering a dilemma and I’m considering using Odin over Rust.
I was hoping for friendly and positively constructive assessments of which language and why from anyone who wishes to answer?
I’m currently suffering a dilemma and I’m considering using Odin over Rust.
I was hoping for friendly and positively constructive assessments of which language and why from anyone who wishes to answer?
As someone who’s used both, I’d have a strong preference for Odin over Rust if it were at a stable 1.0 release. As it stands now (or, at least, when I used it), Odin is very much in flux. Spend enough time with the language, and you’ll either find a bug with the compiler or the semantics will change after you update.
That said, it would be my favorite without those problems. It is a really simple language in a good way. There’s no fancy language features that are just syntax sugar (well except maybe context, but I find that to be actually convenient). You can understand everything in an afternoon if you are already familiar with programming in other languages. Rust is pretty much the opposite in all of these reguards.
Rust also has the benefit of being pretty recognizable at this point, so if you say your project is in Rust then people will know what that means, unlike Odin. More “resume-able” in a way.
So, in short: