I hope these do well, but two things come to mind whenever I see drone tech advancement, 1) the chinese will get a hold of it, reverse engineer it by noon, and start printing out the motherboards and moving parts by teatime 2) advanced combat drones probably still no match for advanced combat nets
Not to discredit their work, but it’s basically a rugged drone with an antipersonnel munition strapped to its belly, most likely already made with Chinese PCBs and motors.
The drone part is something that already existed and I’m sure the Chinese have some kind of antipersonnel airburst munition already as well.
Pandora’s Box on drone warfare was opened a long time before the current invasion, although we haven’t yet seen the bottom of it.
I hope these do well, but two things come to mind whenever I see drone tech advancement, 1) the chinese will get a hold of it, reverse engineer it by noon, and start printing out the motherboards and moving parts by teatime 2) advanced combat drones probably still no match for advanced combat nets
Not to discredit their work, but it’s basically a rugged drone with an antipersonnel munition strapped to its belly, most likely already made with Chinese PCBs and motors.
The drone part is something that already existed and I’m sure the Chinese have some kind of antipersonnel airburst munition already as well.
Pandora’s Box on drone warfare was opened a long time before the current invasion, although we haven’t yet seen the bottom of it.