Blogger discovers this cool thing called “RSS”.
Protip: Youtube channels have RSS feeds, they’re just buried in the source of the page. Ctrl-U and then Ctrl-F title=“RSS”
You can also just drop the youtube channel link (ex. ) as well into most readers and it’ll sort it out for you, so you don’t even have to go digging.
How do you all discover new RSS feeds to subscribe to?
My way is simple and stupid. I hit F12, then search for “rss” in the html and copy the link
Cool tip.
If you want news for a specific game and they release news on steam… all steam pages have an RSS feed.
To OP and the few other comments sarcastically dunking on the blogger for just discovering RSS: why? It’s not exactly drowning in advocates today, and there’s basically a whole generation that wasn’t around when Google killed off Reader. What if we treated advocacy like this like the good thing it is?
I don’t think “dunking” is the right word. It’s just funny that people are still discovering RSS 30 years later. Myself included.
Why is it people flock to server based rss? Wtf? There are native clients galore for all platforms ever created.
Having your stuff accessible and synced, including read/unread status, across devices is a real benefit.
You make my heart hurt, you’re so right. It’s getting harder and harder to find RSS or Atom links on sites. The more people rediscover these technologies, the more chance there is that site developers will continue to provide them.
It would be fantastic if more people would rediscover Usenet, and IRC, and ditch the shitty knock-offs like Discord. There’s a pretty big contingent advocating for Jabber, which I’m ambivalent about, having been there when it started and when it (effectively) died and being very conscious of its flaws and limitations… but, still, these are all open standards and old-school internet - sometimes pre-web! - and they’re often still better than the commoditized successors.
Embrace and encourage the new infusion of youth! Gate keeping is a very post-eternal-September behavior.