“Evidence doesn’t matter” - the fascists
“you have freedom to agree with us” - communists
Actually fits them both and that’s not the only similarity.
Socialism, communism, fascism, nazism - it’s all the same shit, the only difference is just the idological mumbo-jumbo on the surface level
Socialism? Really?
Yeah, my parents and grandparents lived through socialism in Poland. Heard enough from them to not have any delusions about it.
How americanized of you.
You seem to confuse free education and healthcare, government control of essential resources (water, electricity) and government taking case of the poor and disabled to some authoritarian communist shitshow behind the iron curtain.
You seem to confuse free education and healthcare, government control of essential resources (water, electricity) and government taking case of the poor and disabled to some authoritarian communist shitshow behind the iron curtain.
You’re mistaking socialism for welfare state. Socialism IS the authoritarian shitshow behind iron curtain